
2013-06-27 00:00:00来源:网络

  The world’s three largest arms sellers have raised objections to key elements of a long awaited United Nations arms trade treaty ahead of a meeting in New York today.

  全球三大军火出口国对各方期待已久的联合国《武器贸易条约》(Arms Trade Treaty)的关键内容提出了反对意见。今日起,联合国将在纽约开会讨论这项条约。

  The aim of the treaty – in preparation since 2006 – is to reduce the 750,000 arms-related deaths that occur each year. But its backers face a tough challenge to reach agreement on a robust treaty ahead of a July 27 deadline.


  The US, Russia, and China all oppose the inclusion of binding language aimed at preventing arms from being exported to countries where they could be used to undermine human rights.


  China and the US also want to narrow the range of weapons the treaty covers. Zimbabwe and Syria, meanwhile, reject the idea of a treaty altogether, according to western diplomats.


  The US stance is causing difficulty for the UK, which co-sponsored the treaty and which regards the inclusion of ammunition and robust language on human rights as a priority.


  The arms trade is already regarded by many as under-regulated. Amnesty International, a human rights group closely involved in the development of the treaty, points out that there are fewer international rules regulating the trade in arms than the trade in bananas.

  目前已有很多人认为,武器贸易处于监管不足的状态。密切参与该条约拟定过程的人权组织“大赦国际”(Amnesty International)指出,目前规范武器贸易的国际规则比规范香蕉贸易的规则还要少。

  “We need a legally binding, nationally enforced, universal treaty,” said one western diplomat, noting that, while there was widespread support among most UN members, bringing big exporters like as the US, China and Russia on board would take “time and effort, and require skillful diplomacy”.


  It is still unclear whether this could become it be the forum to address high level disagreements, such as the recent US accusation that Russia was supplying helicopters to war-torn Syria.


  But the idea is to force countries to think about the consequences of their arms exports and employ a rigorous risk analysis process, as already happens in areas such as the European Union.


  As with many other UN treaties, US objections are based on national sovereignty concerns.


  In October 2009, the Obama administration reversed Washington’s opposition to the ATT and took an active role in negotiations. But the US is still resisting binding language prohibiting arms transfers to countries if there is strong evidence they could be used to undermine human rights. It also opposes the inclusion of ammunition, arguing that this is too sensitive and technically difficult to implement.


  Meanwhile, Russia is one of the 41 signatures of the Wassanar arrangement regulating the trade in conventional arms and duel use technology. Even so, it is against the ATT introducing binding rules on international human rights, international humanitarian law and socio-economic development. Moscow argues that such language is open to subjective and ideological interpretation.

  俄罗斯是《关于常规武器和两用物品及技术出口控制的瓦森纳安排》(The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-Use Goods and Technologies)的41个签约国之一。即便如此,该国仍反对《武器贸易条约》在国际人权、国际人道主义法律和社会经济发展方面订立约束性的规则。俄方提出,此类措辞容易受到主观和意识形态化的解释。

  In contrast, China has not yet signed any arms controls agreements and is seen as one of the most important nations to get on board. Though it says it broadly accepts the idea of a treaty, it is likely to be one of the most challenging nations to persuade to accept robust regulation and a link to human rights, which it says is too subjective.


  Those involved in the negotiations say Beijing wants to exclude small arms and light weapons and government-to-government transfers, which would effectively gut the treaty, according to its sponsors.



本文关键字: 联合国



