
2013-07-03 00:00:00来源:可可英语

  For centuries, China has offered its people a chance to come to Beijing to petition the emperor directly to address grievances.


  But starting Monday, Chinese officials offered a new way for those not inclined to make the trip: petition online. That makes the process more convenient, said officials who spoke to state media, and allows them to track the process of their pleas.


  As it turned out, progress was scant: The website crashed on the first day. While it came back online Monday afternoon, the morning failure triggered mockery across China*s social media platforms, including the popular Twitter-like Sina Weibo microblogging service.


  ※Sorry! Weibo brought too many people to the page,§ said Li Kaifu, CEO of Innovation Works, who has more than 46 million followers on the site.

  在新浪微博上拥有4,600多万粉丝的创新工场(Innovation Works)首席执行长李开复说:抱歉,微博带来太多围观上访者!

  Many Weibo users said they expected the crash due to the number of potential petitioners. Some interpreted the government*s use of a server that couldn*t handle the first-day traffic as a sign of insincerity.


  Petitioning, or shangfang, is the modern form of an ancient system in which people who faced injustice at home came to the capital to voice their grievances directly to the emperor.The State Bureau for Letters and Calls acts as a communication channel for petitioners and the central government. While the bureau has long been criticized for a lack of effectiveness, local officials often go out of their way to keep petitioners from reaching it so as to avoid being criticized by Beijing. Hired thugs often threaten protesters or even haul them away to unofficial prisons known as black jails.


  Many of China*s Internet users argued that the online petitioning system, like its real-world counterpart, both suffers limitations and offers avenues for abuse. Online petitioners have to register with their verified information including national identification number, potentially exposing them to retribution. Additionally, the site only works on Internet Explorer and limits the amount of supporting materials that can be uploaded to a paltry two megabytes for each case.


  Isn't it easier for local officials to suppress complaints and take revenge? said one Weibo user.


  Some described the new system as a poor imitation of the White House*s online petition service ※We the People,which requires only an email address to register and which recently attracted a flood of petitions from Chinese Internet users eager to mock their own government*s lack of responsiveness.

  有人说这套新系统是对美国白宫网上请愿服务“我们人民”(We the People)的拙劣模仿。白宫的这项服务只需用电子邮件地址就可申请注册,而且前不久还吸引了来自中国网友的大量请愿。他们这么做是为了讽刺本国政府的不闻不问。

  The bureau chief of SBLC promised in an interview with the official Xinhua news agency that every case made through the new online service would garner a response.


  An editorial in the Communist Party mouthpiece People*s Daily, on the other hand, questioned whether the online service would evolve into an excuse for local officials to keep the petitioners from going to Beijing. It also asked whether the bureau will do more than simply passing on the complaints to local officials without any further accountability.

  中共喉舌《人民日报》(People’s Daily)刊登的一篇评论文章则提出疑问:网上信访是否会变成地方官员阻止民众去北京上访的一个借口?此外,文章还问道:信访局是直接将投诉交给地方官员,没有进一步的责问,还是会不止于此?

  In a potentially not-good sign for responsiveness, China Real Time*s attempts to call the only phone number on the bureau*s website ended with a recording that said the number didn*t exist.



本文关键字: 信访



