
2013-08-07 15:12:30来源:爱思英语

  Top U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials say the government’s vast domestic data collection activities do not infringe on citizens’ privacy but do help identify and defeat terrorist threats. Officials testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee hours after the Obama administration released documents detailing telephone data collection programs exposed by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.


  Revelations that the U.S. government collects telephone records have unnerved many Americans, according to committee chairman Patrick Leahy.
  参议院司法委员会主席帕特里克 莱希说,美国政府收集民众电话记录的计划被公布之后,很多美国人感到不安。

  “I think the patience of the American people is beginning to wear thin. But what has to be of more concern in a democracy is the trust of the American people is wearing thin," he said.

  Wednesday, the Obama administration released previously-classified documents on the extent and limitations of federal telephone snooping.
  奥巴马政府星期三公布了有关联邦部门电话侦听的范围和局限性的机密文件,司法部副部长詹姆斯 科尔说:

  “These are telephone records maintained by the phone companies. They include the number the call was dialed from, the number the call was dialed to, the date and time of the call and the length of the call," said Deputy Attorney General James Cole. "The records do not include the names or other identifying information. They do not include cell site [cellular telephone location] or other location information, and they do not include the content of any phone calls."

  Actual monitoring of phone calls requires special court authorization. Overall, data collection has helped defeat terrorists, according to National Security Agency Deputy Director John Inglis.
  实际监听电话通话需要法庭的特别授权。国家安全局副主任约翰 英格利斯说,总体上讲,收集电话数据对美国战胜恐怖分子有帮助。

  “There were 54 plots that were disrupted over the life of these two programs," he said.

  The House of Representatives recently voted down a proposal to limit telephone data collection. Similarly, senators showed no inclination to terminate the programs - but did express dismay over the lack of voluntary public disclosure.

  “We have a lot of good information out there that helps the American public understand these programs," said Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse. "But it all came out late. It all came out in response to a leaker [Edward Snowden]. There was no organized plan for how we rationally declassify this so that the American people can participate in the debate."

  Vast data collection has a chilling effect on freedom, according to Jameel Jaffer of the American Civil Liberties Union.
  但是美国公民自由联盟的贾米尔 贾费尔说,大量的信息收集给公民自由带来寒蝉效应。

  “People who know the government could be monitoring their every move, their every phone call, or their every Google search will comport themselves differently. They will hesitate before visiting controversial websites. They will hesitate before joining controversial advocacy groups. They will hesitate before exercising rights that the Constitution guarantees," he said.

  Not so, says Robert Litt, general counsel in the office of the Director of National Intelligence.
  而国家情报总监办公室法律顾问罗伯特 利特尔认为并不是这样。

  “Collection of this kind of telephone meta-data from the telephone companies is not a violation of anyone’s constitutional rights," he said.

  Litt said that disclosure of the programs has damaged the government’s ability to protect the nation.


本文关键字: 口译时事 美参议院



