
2013-08-09 09:57:11来源:网络

  Does a government have the right to snoop around its citizens’ privacy on the pretext of protecting the country from terrorism? The US has been debating this question in the past few days.


  On June 9, a 29-year-old former CIA employee admitted responsibility for one of the most extraordinary leaks of classified information in US history. Edward Snowden told The Guardian he exposed the documents because he thinks Americans should know how the government has intruded on their privacy.

  6月9日,前美国中央情报局工作人员、29岁的爱德华 斯诺登承认自己对外披露了美国政府的特别机密,成为美国史上最大的泄密者之一。他在接受英国《卫报》采访时称,他之所以会泄露这些机密文件,是因为在他眼中,美国人民有权知道美国政府是如何侵犯自己的隐私的。

  “I can’t in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, Internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they’re secretly building,” Snowden told The Guardian in an interview.


  The development was the latest in a week that saw unauthorized publication of a “Top Secret” order from the US’ Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court to authorize collection of domestic telephone records; internal documents and detailed descriptions of a US National Security Agency (NSA) program code-named PRISM that can obtain data on foreigners from US Internet companies; a directive from US President Barack Obama ordering preparation of a secret target list for cyber-warfare; and a digital map of the world that shows where the NSA spies the most.

  以上是“泄密门”事件的最新动态,近一周来,先是“知情人”私下披露美国的“外国情报监视法庭”下达“头号密令”授权搜集国内通话记录;接着又解密了美国国家安全局“棱镜”计划的内部文件及详情——该计划可能包含一些从美国网络公司采集来的国外人士相关数据;然后又有消息称,美国总统巴拉克 奥巴马下令起草“网络攻击目标”的秘密名单;而一张电子世界地图则指出了美国国家安全局集中监视的区域。

  The Guardian said Snowden decided to leak the classified material three weeks ago while working in Hawaii. It said he copied the documents and then told a supervisor that he needed to go away for several weeks due to medical treatment. He left for Hong Kong on May 20.


  In the Guardian interview, Snowden identified himself as an infrastructure analyst at an NSA facility in Hawaii for Booz Allen Hamilton, a major defense contractor. He previously worked for the CIA as a systems administrator and telecommunications systems officer.


  Snowden described enjoying a comfortable lifestyle and a career that included a $200,000 (1.23 million yuan) annual salary, and a home in Hawaii that he shared with his girlfriend.


  The Guardian said Snowden is considering seeking asylum in Iceland. Hong Kong media reported that Snowden checked out of his hotel room in Kowloon on Monday. His whereabouts are unknown, but he is believed to still be in the city.


  Snowden told The Guardian that he’s willing to stand behind his actions in public because he knows he has done nothing wrong. “My sole motive is to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them,” he said.


  The Guardian said Snowden is so worried about surveillance that he pads his hotel room door with pillows to prevent eavesdropping and drapes a hood over his head and laptop to avoid password detection by hidden cameras.


  “I don’t want to live in a society that does these sort of things,” he said in the interview. “We collect more digital communications from Americans than we do from the Russians.”


  James R. Clapper, the director of the US’ National Intelligence, said on June 8 that the Justice Department had launched an investigation into what he called “reckless disclosures of intelligence community measures used to keep Americans safe”, he told NBC during an interview.

  6月8日,美国国家情报总监詹姆斯 R 克莱伯在接受美国全国广播公司NBC采访时表示,这是“不计后果地披露情报部门旨在保护美国人安全所采取的措施”,美国司法部门已对此启动调查。

  The Obama administration has prosecuted six people for illegal disclosures of classified information — more than all other administrations combined. Also, a military court-martial is underway for Bradley Manning, a former US Army intelligence officer. He’s accused of violating the Espionage Act by giving a large number of classified US military and diplomatic documents to the anti-secrecy website WikiLeaks.

  奥巴马政府已检举了6名非法泄密者,超过历任政府所检举出的泄密者总数。同时,军事法庭对前美国军事情报人员布拉德利 曼宁的审判还在进行中。曼宁由于向维基解密网站提供大量的军事机密文件和外交文件,被指控触犯美国间谍法案。


本文关键字: 口译时事 中情局



