微博上闹得沸沸扬扬的“且行且珍惜”不知你关注了没有?在爱情里,哪里有什么输赢,但或许从科学上我们可以解释一下“出轨”这件事。在人类学家 Helen Fisher 的 TED 演讲中,她阐述了自己认为决定爱的三大脑组织:欲望、浪漫的爱情和依赖感。而出轨这件事,可以这样解释:
But these three brain systems: lust, romantic love and attachment, aren't always connected to each other.
You can feel deep attachment to a long-term partner while you feel intense romantic love for somebody else, while you feel the sex drive for people unrelated to these other partners.
In short, we're capable of loving more than one person at a time. In fact, you can lie in bed at night and swing from deep feelings of attachment for one person to deep feelings of romantic love for somebody else.
It's as if there's a committee meeting going on in your head as you are trying to decide what to do. So I don't think, honestly, we're an animal that was built to be happy; we are an animal that was built to reproduce.
I think the happiness we find, we make. And I think, however, we can make good relationships with each other.
Anthropologist Helen Fisher studies gender differences and the evolution of human emotions. She's best known as an expert on romantic love, and her beautifully penned books — including Anatomy of Love and Why We Love — lay bare the mysteries of our most treasured emotion.
人类学家 Helen Fisher 致力于研究性别差异与人类情绪的进化。她是研究爱情的专家,出版的著作有《爱的解析》和《爱的原因》,书中她为我们揭示了情绪的奥秘。
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