
2014-04-25 14:40:09来源:可可英语

  The debate over U.S. military presence in Asia usually centers on traditional areas like water or air. Yet Chinese President Xi Jinping has provided evidence that military competition may be shifting from ships and planes to space. He showcased China's military priorities when last week he encouraged his country's air force to better integrate its air and space capabilities. Although not as dramatic as President John F. Kennedy's 1961 call for a U.S. mission to the Moon, the Chinese leader's desire to expand the realm of military competition are clear. Washington should prepare for crippling attacks on satellites and other communications systems before it is too late.

  围绕美国在亚洲的军事存在的争论总是集中在海、空等传统领域。但中国国家主席习近平最近的讲话表明,军事竞赛可能会从舰船、飞机转移到太空。上周,他鼓励中国空军更好地将航空和航天能力整合起来,从而点明了中国军事的优先任务。虽然习近平的这番讲话并不像美国前总统肯尼迪(John F. Kennedy)在1961年提出登月计划那样引人瞩目,但这位中国领导人扩大军事竞赛领域的愿望已表露无遗。华盛顿方面应该准备防范卫星及其他通讯系统受到的攻击,否则将为时已晚。

  China's plan to militarize its space activities has been in development for years. Its space program is controlled by its military, unlike in the U.S., where military services and NASA have separate agencies and leadership. Repeated Pentagon reports in recent years on China's military activities have noted the country has built up the means of disabling foreign satellites. And technological advantages have been growing steadily.

  ASSOCIATED PRESS多年来,中国一直在发展将太空行动军事化的计划。中国的太空项目由军方控制,这与美国不同,美国的军事部门和美国国家航空航天局(NASA)有各自的机构和决策层。近些年来,美国国防部多次在有关中国军事活动的报告中称,中国已经建立起能使外国卫星瘫痪的手段。此外,中国的技术优势一直在稳步扩大。

  China shocked the world in 2007 by successfully destroying one of its aging weather satellites, demonstrating an anti-satellite capability that few nations can match. That test created a cloud of debris that continues to bedevil satellites and the International Space Station. Beijing also tested what is widely believed to have been a new, mobile-launched anti-satellite missile last May.


  By comparison, the Pentagon has no formal anti-satellite system under development. And at a time when America's exploration program of the Moon has ended, China's has just begun. Its 'Jade Rabbit' moon rover, the first Earth vehicle to visit the lunar surface in almost 40 years, successfully landed last December. Although Jade Rabbit broke down halfway through its planned three-month mission-highlighting the complexities of sustained space programs-China's goal remains to execute a manned mission to the Moon and possibly even establish a lunar base.


  Which gets to Mr. Xi's high-profile exhortation last week that he will guide his country's growing technological expertise toward making space another dimension of the battlefield. How might Beijing integrate its air and space capabilities, and to what end? This is where both American homeland security and military planners need to be concerned.




