
2014-04-25 14:41:42来源:可可英语

  Energy has always been central to creating a trade and investment bloc through the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership. If a TTIP agreement can reduce wide differences in energy prices between Europe and the U.S., Europeans will pay less for energy, while American energy producers will finally be able to profit from the recent energy boom by selling at competitive market prices. Trying to artificially hold down prices has heavy costs for domestic producers, encourages consumption, and dampens energy production over time.

  在通过《跨大西洋贸易及投资伙伴协定》(Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, 简称TTIP)建立贸易和投资联盟的磋商中,能源问题一直是关键所在。如果TTIP能够缩小欧洲和美国之间巨大的能源价格差异,欧洲人在能源上的花费将会减少,而美国能源生产商最终也能够通过具有竞争力的市场价格从最近的能源热潮中获利。试图人为压低能源价格将令国内生产商付出沉重代价,同时会刺激能源消费,而在长期内抑制能源生产。

  Yet recent events in Ukraine and Russia have made clear that creating a trans-Atlantic energy market is about more than economic efficiency. Energy cooperation has become an indispensable pillar of the Western security community, which has played a central role in maintaining peace in Europe for more than 60 years.


  Today the European Union produces only a small portion of its energy needs, importing about 80% of its oil and some 60% of its gas. More than a third of this oil and 30% of the gas is of Russian origin. Only four countries in the EU-Portugal, Spain, Ireland and Sweden-are able to do without any Russian gas. By reducing European energy dependency on Russia, both the U.S. and Europe will be better able to defend and promote their values-while capturing the immense gains from greater economic integration between the world's two largest economies.


  During a visit to Washington this month, I could sense a new enthusiasm for focusing on ways to significantly increase American energy exports to Europe. Lifting U.S. export restrictions would be the first step, but we must also speed up infrastructure development, especially for liquefied natural gas.


  The main constraint seems to be time. Six LNG terminals approved by the Obama administration still need approval from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission before construction can begin. It could be years before shipments of LNG can make their way across the Atlantic. And then there is the TTIP. While talks are on track, this ambitious project might take two or three years to complete.

  主要制约因素似乎是时间。已获奥巴马政府批准的六个液化天然气终端在开工建设之前,仍需获得美国联邦能源监管委员会(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)的批准。美国的液化天然气运到大西洋另一边的欧洲可能需要数年时间才能实现。此外,还有TTIP问题。尽管谈判正在步入轨道,但这项宏大的项目可能需要两三年的时间才能完成。

  Given recent events in Ukraine, we don't have time to wait for the full trade agreement. Instead, Europe and the U.S. should begin work immediately on a separate charter setting out the main steps for creating a trans-Atlantic energy market. This energy charter could be agreed on and signed in months, having a quick impact on the increasingly critical security crisis.


  A trans-Atlantic energy charter should have four main chapters. First, it would immediately lift American export restrictions for oil and gas sold to Europeans. As President Obama recently put it, American natural gas will go 'into the open market,' so this is no gift to Europeans.


  Second, the U.S. would commit to an ambitious program of energy infrastructure directed at creating the terminals and transport facilities to exploit the new energy market. The U.S. Energy Department could scrap individual reviews for LNG export facilities in favor of a single, en-masse approval, and recommend to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission that it expedite all energy-charter projects.

  第二,美国将会致力于一个宏大的能源基础设施项目,旨在打造相应的接收站和运输设施以开拓欧洲这一新的能源市场。美国能源部(U.S. Energy Department)可能取消逐一审批液化天然气出口设施,代之以统一的全体审批,并建议美国联邦能源监管委员会(Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 简称FERC)加快所有与能源协议相关的项目。

  Third, Europeans would make a similar commitment to infrastructure development. Europe already benefits from a high number of gas terminals, but cross-border gas pipelines and electricity interconnections are still lacking.


  There is no point in going ahead with a trans-Atlantic energy charter without simultaneously completing the EU internal market in energy. For example, the Iberian Peninsula has the potential to become a major alternative supply route of gas from across the Atlantic to the rest of Europe.


  Finally, the EU would have to make a genuine effort to bring its environmental and state-aid standards closer to American practice. We understand that Americans would be frustrated if there were a blanket ban on shale-gas extraction in Europe (and few countries have a ban now), especially if it is combined with government support for local energy producers. Both sides need to compromise, and Europeans are ready to deliver.


  Rarely has there been such a perfect alignment of economic, security and foreign policy goals. Energy planning is not unlike investing in financial securities, where diversification is used to manage risk under a variety of unpredictable outcomes. A trans-Atlantic energy market would be deep enough to withstand almost all conceivable supply-and-demand shocks. It would boost confidence and investment in energy and the overall economies.


  But energy infrastructure is enormously expensive, and investors will not take a more integrated market seriously unless we send a clear message that a new era of American and European energy planning has begun. Such a message would also reach another set of watchers: Countries that like to use their energy supplies in ways that run counter to American and European interests will see their influence wane. A trans-Atlantic energy charter is our best option and our best tool in the face of an increasingly uncertain future.


  Mr. Macaes is Portugal's secretary of state for European affairs.




