双语新闻:中国"第二夫人"程虹亮相 学者风度获赞

2014-05-07 13:23:39来源:中国新闻网

  China's First Lady Peng Liyuan will need to make room under the spotlight, because Cheng Hong is coming in to share it.


  State media on Sunday and Monday circulated pictures of Ms. Cheng, the wife of China's premier Li Keqiang, as she accompanies her husband on a tour of Africa, where the duo will work to boost Sino-African ties.


  Ms. Cheng is stepping onto the public stage at a time when President Xi Jinping's wife Peng Liyuan is also building her own political persona. Ms. Peng gained attention last year by accompanying her husband on trips overseas, as well as in March, when U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama visited China to spend time with the president's wife, who is also a well-known singer.

  程虹进入公众视野时值中国国家主席习近平的夫人彭丽媛打造自己的政治形象之际。彭丽媛去年陪同习近平出访国外引来多方关注。美国第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马(Michelle Obama) 3月份访问中国时,彭丽媛还和米歇尔举行了会面。彭丽媛是中国著名的女歌唱家。

  But while Ms. Peng has gotten many plaudits for her dress sense, state media seems keen to stress Ms. Cheng's scholarly achievements.


  This week, the official Xinhua News Agency touted on one of its official microblog accounts the academic achievements of Ms. Cheng, who has had a more than 30-year career as a well-liked English professor at Capital University of Economics and Business in Beijing. According to Xinhua, Ms. Cheng met her husband while studying at China's top academic institution, Peking University. The pair have one child.


  Wives of political leaders have rarely been made so public, said Zhong Xin, director of Renmin University's Public Communication Institute. China's recent attempt to push them out into the limelight, she said, is an effort to take a more innovative approach to the country's foreign relations. Such a 'diversification of figures involved in international communication,' said Ms. Zhong, can help to create a friendlier, more accessible image for Mr. Li and also deepen understanding between diplomats.


  Ms. Cheng also brings her intellect to the table, said Ms. Zhong. She comes in 'not only as a wife, but also as a female intellectual,' Ms. Zhong toldChina Real Time .


  But some say that the apparently higher profile of the First Lady and Ms. Cheng is simply the product of greater media attention, not a deliberate foreign policy choice. 'It's the Internet that's creating these larger images,' Chu Shulong, an expert on international relations at Tsinghua University in Beijing, said in an interview in March, when Ms. Peng became the talk of the town during Ms. Obama's visit. Politicians' spouses have been involved in public events in the past, he noted--the difference now is that there are more online publications and social media platforms to spur greater chatter about them.

  但一些人表示,彭丽媛和程虹的这种高调的形象只是媒体关注度加大的结果,而非刻意的外交政策选择。在奥巴马夫人3月份访问中国时,彭丽媛成最热门的话题,清华大学(Tsinghua University)国际关系专家楚树龙当时在接受采访时表示,互联网放大了领导人夫人的形象。他指出,过去政治家的配偶也参加公共活动,现在的不同之处在于有了更多的网络报道和社交媒体平台,这使得公众会更多地谈论她们。

  Xinhua said that Ms. Cheng has had a particular interest in American nature writing and has translated several books on the topic, including 'Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Places,' a memoir by American environmentalist Terry Tempest Williams, and 'The Outermost House,' which chronicles of life on Cape Cod, by naturalist writer Henry Beston.

  新华社称,程虹对美国自然文学尤其感兴趣,已翻译了多部美国自然文学著作,包括美国环保主义者特丽·T·威廉斯(Terry Tempest Williams)的《心灵的慰藉:一部非同寻常的地域和家族史》(Refuge: An Unnatural History of Family and Places)以及自然主义作家亨利·贝斯顿(Henry Beston)的《遥远的房屋》(The Outermost House),后者纪录了贝斯顿在科德角(Cape Cod)的生活。

  According to other press reports circulating this week, Ms. Cheng has generally kept a low profile in her work and dedicated herself to family, for example in caring for years for an elderly family member who was suffering from cancer before the relative died. Li Xuejun, an editor of Mrs. Cheng 's translated books who has known her for more than a decade, told the Beijing News that the premier's wife was an unassuming presence, one who never wears make-up.


  Elsewhere online, social media users responded to Ms. Cheng's Africa trip with praise. '[Ms. Cheng] really has the temperament of a teacher who teaches and helps students. I'm not just flattering her,' wrote one.


  'It's like having a treasure to have such a wife,' wrote another.




