双语新闻:卡梅伦警告 别给辉瑞收购添堵 人为拉起吊桥

2014-05-14 10:41:46来源:可可英语

  David Cameron has warned that Britain must not “pull up the drawbridge” against foreign investors as Downing Street pushed back against pressure from the opposition Labour party to intervene in Pfizer’s proposed £63bn offer for AstraZeneca.

  英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)警告称,英国不能对外国投资者“拉起吊桥”。这是唐宁街对反对党工党压力的回击,工党要求干预辉瑞(Pfizer)以630亿英镑收购阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)的提议。

  The prime minister said the UK benefited “massively” from its economic openness and insisted the government was making “very good progress” in seeking job assurances from Pfizer even without seeking new powers to formally intervene.


  His comments on the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show came as Ian Read, chairman and CEO of the US drugmaker, prepared to fly to London today to be quizzed by lawmakers about his plans for what would be the biggest foreign takeover in UK history.

  卡梅伦是在英国广播公司(BBC)的《安德鲁•马尔秀》(Andrew Marr Show)节目上发表上述言论的。辉瑞董事长兼首席执行官伊恩•里德(Ian Read)定于今日飞抵伦敦,接受英国议员对其提出的这宗可能成为英国史上最大外资并购的交易的质询。

  Mr Cameron last week left open the possibility of subjecting any deal to a “public interest test” after criticism from the opposition Labour party that he was not doing enough to safeguard Britain’s science base. But his remarks yesterday made clear his desire to avoid doing anything to undermine the UK’s reputation as a welcoming place for foreign investors.


  Downing Street has struggled to find a consistent stance towards Pfizer as ministers have vacillated between welcoming the mooted deal as a sign of the attractiveness of UK life sciences and tougher rhetoric on the need to protect jobs.


  Mr Read will attend separate hearings of the parliamentary committees on business and science tomorrow and on Wednesday. According to people close to Pfizer, he will say that his promise made earlier this month to maintain 20 per cent of the two companies’ combined research workforce in Britain for at least five years after any deal is legally binding under UK takeover rules.


  AstraZeneca has so far refused to enter talks, arguing that the £50-per-share proposal from its US rival significantly undervalues the company.


  AstraZeneca’s future is also raising concern in Sweden, where it has a big presence. The heads of the Karolinska Institutet, a Stockholm university that accounts for almost half of the medical research in Sweden, and chairman of the body behind the Nobel Prizes, told the Financial Times they were worried by Pfizer’s approach.

  阿斯利康的未来也引发了瑞典的关切——阿斯利康在瑞典拥有大量业务。卡罗林斯卡学院(Karolinska Institutet)负责人以及诺贝尔评奖委员会的主席都对英国《金融时报》表示,他们对辉瑞的收购提议感到担忧。位于斯德哥尔摩的卡罗林斯卡学院从事着瑞典近一半的医学研究。



