著名的悲观经济学家 中国经济将经历颠簸式着陆

2014-05-29 11:01:02来源:中国日报网

  Nouriel Roubini, the famously negative economist,says it may be time to change his nickname.


  The New York University professor, who predicted the housing bust and financial crisis, hasbeen upping his economic outlook recently. Speaking at the annual SALT hedge fundconference in Las Vegas on Wednesday morning, Roubini said that many of the risks in theglobal economy have receded. Also helping, U.S. investors no longer seem worried aboutpolitical trouble overseas.

  这位纽约大学(the New York University)的教授曾预言房地产泡沫破裂和金融危机,近期他表达了积极的经济前景预期。周三上午,鲁比尼在拉斯维加斯的年度SALT对冲基金研讨会上发表演讲时表示,全球经济的诸多风险已经消退。而且,美国投资者似乎不再担心海外的政治问题。

  "Next to him you should call me Dr. Boom," said Roubini, referring to Peter Schiff, anothereconomic forecaster on the panel.


  Roubini said the European Union and the Euro were looking a lot stronger than a year ago. Healso said "Abenomics" appears to be working in Japan, and the risk of a recession has recededthere. But the biggest improvement, Roubini thought, is taking place in the U.S. The deficithas shrunk and Washington appears to have called a truce.


  The discussion -- which also included former Fed Governor Laurence Meyer, Schiff, the formerprime minister of Greece George Papandreou, and politician-turned-Morgan Stanley-employee Harold Ford -- turned to deflation. Schiff said deflation could be good for the U.S.Roubini called that notion nonsense. He said the Fed had done a good job ending the threat ofdeflation or a slowdown.

  会议讨论的主题转向通缩,会议参与者包括美联储(Fed)前理事劳伦斯o迈耶、经济学家彼得o希夫、希腊前总理乔治o帕潘德里欧以及政治家出身的摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)雇员哈罗德o福特。希夫表示,通货紧缩对美国而言可能是好事,而鲁比尼却说,那是无稽之谈。他表示,美联储在终结通缩或经济放缓的威胁方面做得很好。

  "The threat of a fiscal crisis in the United States is done," said Roubini. "The Fed'sunconventional monetary policy has worked."


  Earlier in 2014, after the U.S. stock market rose 30% in 2013, Roubini said that investorsappeared to have gotten ahead of themselves, and was worried the economy woulddisappoint. Roubini appears to be less concerned about that now, perhaps because the stockmarket has been mostly flat this year.


  Instead, Roubini suggested that stocks and other investments are likely to rise for the next fewyears. He thinks the market will be pushed up by the Fed, which will keep interest rates low for afew more years. After that, there could be problems, but that is a few years down the road. "We're not in a bubble yet," said Roubini.


  Roubini primary concern for 2014? China. Roubini has been watching the Chinese banks for awhile, and he sees many similarities in the lending there to what was happening in the U.S.before the financial crisis. He said the risk of something similar happening in China is rising, buthe thinks the problem will not be quite as bad as what we saw in the U.S. "It will be a bumpylanding," he said. "And the market doesn't seem to be pricing that in."


  Roubini, like many other economists, is also worried about the long-term effects of incomeinequality in the United States. He said money is shifting between people who are likely tospend it to those who may sit on those funds. That's slowing the movement of money in theeconomy and holding back investment. For example, Roubini said if consumers don't havemoney to spend, companies will be less willing to spend the trillions they have put away onexpanding their businesses.


  Perhaps he won't be Dr. Boom for long.




