The political crisis in Iraq intensified yesterday whenthe country’s president named a new prime ministerto replace Nouri al-Maliki, raising fears of aprolonged power struggle amid the raging battle withIslamist insurgents.
昨日,伊拉克总统任命了一位新总理来取代努里•马利基(Nouri al-Maliki),此举加剧了伊拉克的政治危机。在伊拉克政府与伊斯兰叛军进行激烈战斗之际,这一新动态让人们不禁担心伊拉克会陷入旷日持久的权力斗争。
In a major blow to Mr Maliki, the largest grouping inparliament nominated Haidar al-Abadi, a member ofMr Maliki’s own Shia-dominated party, as prime minister-designate. The decision was quicklyendorsed by the recently installed President Fouad Masoum.
伊拉克国会中最大的党团联盟提名海德尔•阿巴迪(Haidar al-Abadi)为总理人选,给马利基造成沉重打击。这个决定迅速得到近期当选的总统福阿德•马苏姆(Fouad Masoum)的支持。阿巴迪来自马利基领导的什叶派占主导的政党。
Sunni, Kurdish and rival Shia blocs blame Mr Maliki for the sectarian and ethnic splits thatpaved the way for a two-month offensive by militants fighting with the Islamic State of Iraqand the Levant, known as Isis.
A ceremony to endorse Mr Maliki’s replacement was attended by the Sunni speaker ofparliament and top Shia politicians in a sign of cross-sectarian support for his removal. It wasalso broadcast on state TV – long seen as under the control of Mr Maliki.
Mr Maliki immediately challenged the attempt to unseat him, issuing a letter rejecting theauthority of the National Alliance, which includes dozens of defecting members of his own bloc.
马利基迅速针对把他赶下台的企图发起了挑战,发表了一封公开信拒绝承认“全国联盟”(National Alliance)的权威。该党团联盟包括几十名从马利基阵营倒戈的成员。
It remains unclear whether Mr Maliki will remain in his post while his successor tries to form agovernment, although there were fears he could use force to retain the premiership amidreports of a bolstered security presence on the streets of Baghdad. Mr Maliki has consolidatedhis control over the security services during his eight years in power.
The US welcomed Mr Abadi’s nomination and urged him to form a government quickly. USsecretary of state John Kerry called on Mr Maliki to refrain from violence. “There should be nouse of force, no introduction of troops or militias into this moment of democracy for Iraq,” hetold reporters.
美国对阿巴迪被提名表示欢迎,并敦促他尽快组阁。美国国务卿约翰•克里(John Kerry)呼吁马利基不要采取暴力行动。他对记者说:“不应使用武力,不要在伊拉克的民主时刻引入军队或者民兵。”
The UN envoy to Iraq Nickolay Mladenov also endorsed Mr Abadi’s designation.
联合国驻伊拉克特使尼古拉•姆拉德诺夫(Nickolay Mladenov)也对阿巴迪的获任表示支持。
本文关键字: 双语时事 伊拉克总统任命阿巴迪为新总理
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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