When it came time to reward top executives lastyear, more leading companies handed outperformance-based awards instead of time-vestingstock options, according to a new study from humanresources consulting firm Mercer.
The study, released Monday, shows performanceshares were used as CEO rewards by 51% ofcompanies surveyed last year, up from 47% theprevious year and 41% in 2011. Meanwhile, the number of companies surveyed by Mercer whorewarded their CEOs with time-vesting restricted stock fell to 22% last year from 23% in2012.
Overall, the use of option grants fell last year to just 25% from 28% the previous year and35% in 2011. Those numbers reflect the activities of more than 240 companies from theS&P 500.
Performance shares are company stock given to managers only if they meet certain company-wide performance targets. Ted Jarvis, Mercer’s global director of data, research andpublications, sees the move toward these stock awards is due to a perception that full-valueshares are tied more closely to a company’s immediate results.
“In practice, performance awards are more closely aligned to explicit financial or operationaloutcomes than stock options,” Jarvis said in a statement. “However, the performancemeasures and associated goals must reflect the company’s strategic objectives forperformance shares to be meaningful incentives.”
Mercer found that the average total compensation for CEOs, which includes short-term andlong-term payouts as well as base salary, increased 6.5% last year, to $9.66 million. Last year’smedian compensation is up 8.5% from the $8.86 million posted in 2011, Mercer said. Merceralso found median compensation to be pretty top-heavy, with CEOs at companies in the top100 of the S&P 500 raking in an average of $14.4 million last year, 68.5% higher than the$8.55 median compensation for CEOs in the rest of the S&P 500.
However, median compensation for CEOs at smaller companies did increase 6.7% last year,while pay for CEOs at the top 100 companies was down slightly, which Mercer says couldreflect efforts by the smaller companies to offer compensation packages that are competitivewith those offered by their larger peers.
Jarvis says that practice, fueled by smaller companies handing out greater annual bonuses andlong-term incentives, could have negative results.
“If this trend continues, we may witness pay compression as the smaller companies catch upwith the big ones,” he said.
本文关键字: 大公司减少为CEO提供期权奖励
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