
2014-09-16 15:00:38来源:网络


  New Japan Defense Chief to Boost Security of Southwest Waters

  Japan’s new defense minister said the government is preparing to enhance its air and sea defense capabilities to protect islands and waters in the nation’s southwest, part of the broad swath of the western Pacific where China has increased its maritime activities in recent years.


  ’Japan has 6,800 islands, and territory that stretches over 3,300 kilometers [2,000 miles]; it’s necessary to have troops at its southwestern end to beef up our warning and surveillance capability,’ Satoshi Morimoto told The Wall Street Journal on Monday in his first interview with a non-Japanese news organization since he took office this month.

  森本敏(Satoshi Morimoto)周一接受《华尔街日报》采访时说,日本拥有6,800座岛屿,日本的领土绵延3,300公里(约合2,000英里),很有必要在西南端驻扎部队,加强我们的预警和侦察能力。这是森本敏本月就任日本防卫相以来首次接受外国新闻机构的采访。

  ’We must defend without fail our sovereign rights and our land that includes the Senkaku islands,’ he added, referring to a chain of islands also claimed by China, which calls them Diaoyu. ’We must strengthen our overall defense capability in the southwest.’


  Mr. Morimoto also said one of his priorities as defense minister is to push for policies that will strengthen the bilateral alliance with the U.S. ’The most important task for people who think about Japan’s national security and build its policy is making the alliance even more reliable,’ he said.


  Mr. Morimoto brings to the embattled government of Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda a combination of a nonpolitical résumé and first-class knowledge of national security that has generated rare excitement among the public. He also comes with unapologetically hawkish views on how Japan should protect itself amid rising geopolitical tensions in East Asia.

  对于焦头烂额的野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)政府来说,森本敏既带来了非职业政治家的背景,也带来了国家安全方面的一流学识,这种结合让日本民众异常兴奋。对于日本应该如何在东亚日益加剧的地缘政治紧张局势中保护自己,他有着绝不低头的强硬派主张。

  Tapping Mr. Morimoto was a gamble for Mr. Noda, who is struggling to pass a controversial tax bill in a divided parliament and facing a possible breakup of his own party.


  Mr. Morimoto, 71 years old, has an unusual background for a Japanese cabinet minister. He isn’t an elected official and his unconventional career path included 14 years in uniform at the Air Self-Defense Force, a stint as a civilian foreign-service officer, and nearly two decades as a college professor.


  His conservative views on defense issues are controversial. They are characterized by staunch support of the bilateral security alliance with the U.S. and a hard-line stance toward Japan’s neighbors, namely China and North Korea.


  As a frequent contributor to conservative daily the Sankei Shimbun, Mr. Morimoto described the 2010 Senkaku-Diaoyu spat as having uncovered ’China’s unilateral, coercive and naked intention to expand its maritime rule.’

  森本敏经常为保守派日报《产经新闻》(Sankei Shimbun)撰文。他曾在文章中说,2010年的钓鱼岛争端暴露了中国单边、强制性和赤裸裸的扩张海上统治的意图。

  Calling for Japan’s Self-Defense Forces to assist allied troops during the Iraq war in 2003, he said the Japanese owed their ’prosperous and stable livelihoods to the U.S.-Japan alliance.’ Some had criticized such cooperation, saying it would violate Japan’s so-called postwar peace constitution, which restricts the use of military forces abroad, but Mr. Morimoto insisted the alternative would be worse: ’Those who want to ditch the alliance should realize the alternative would be rearming ourselves, and doing so with nuclear weapons.’


  Such views are in contrast to those presented by leaders of Mr. Noda’s Democratic Party of Japan when it came to power in 2009, promising closer ties with China and moving an unpopular U.S. base off Okinawa, hub of the U.S. military presence in Japan.

  这类观点与野田佳彦所属日本民主党(Democratic Party of Japan)在2009年上台时,该党诸多领导人表达的观点截然相反。当时民主党领导人承诺加强与中国的关系,并将一个不受欢迎的美军基地迁出冲绳。冲绳是美国在日驻军的中心地区。

  Mr. Morimoto had served briefly as a national-security adviser to the conservative Liberal Democratic Party before the LDP was ousted by the DPJ’s election win.

  在保守的自由民主党(Liberal Democratic Party)因民主党胜选而下台之前,森本敏曾短时间担任自民党的国家安全顾问。

  Mr. Noda’s choice of Mr. Morimoto─after two consecutive defense ministers were forced out over gaffes and missteps since Mr. Noda took office last September─appears to be paying off. In an opinion poll published by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun daily on Monday, 54% of those surveyed supported Mr. Morimoto’s appointment, compared with 24% who opposed it.

  自野田佳彦去年9月份上任以来,已经有两位防卫相因失言和失策相继被迫下台。这次他选择了森本敏,而且表面上看来,这一选择似乎正在取得回报。日报《日本经济新闻》(Nihon Keizai Shimbun)周一公布的民意调查结果显示,54%的受访者支持任命森本敏为防卫相,反对的人占24%。

  Since becoming defense chief, Mr. Morimoto has toned down his rhetoric. Although he stressed that the Senkaku islands are ’Japan’s unique territory, from both historical and legal perspectives,’ he described in the interview on Monday China’s recent response to the new tension over the islands as ’very well-restrained.’


  The minister also said some friction with China is inevitable ’as our national interest are different,’ but he added: ’I believe it’s extremely important Japan and China improve our mutual cooperation and understanding, and play our respective roles to stabilize the maritime environment in this region.’


  To prepare Tokyo’s troops for new challenges, he said Japan is negotiating with Washington to have the soldiers of its army, known as the Ground Self-Defense Forces, trained for island defense by U.S. Marines stationed on Okinawa.


  The continuing realignment of U.S. troops in Japan, he added, creates opportunities to increase bilateral cooperation and strengthen Japan’s defense power through the shared use of U.S. bases in Okinawa and the building of joint training facilities.


  ’The Japan-U.S. alliance has evolved over time, but what hasn’t changed fundamentally, and what will not change, is the fact that the alliance plays an extremely important role in promoting peace and stability in the Asia-Pacific region,’ Mr. Morimoto said. ’The most important task for people who think about Japan’s national security and build its policy is making the alliance even more reliable.’




