A company owned by Clive Palmer, the miningtycoon turned lawmaker, has moved to terminatethe mining rights of China’s Citic at its multibilliondollar Sino Iron project in Australia.
克莱夫•帕尔默(Clive Palmer)旗下一家公司已采取措施,将终止中国中信(Citic)在澳大利亚数十亿美元的中澳铁矿项目(Sino Iron Project)的采矿权。帕尔默是澳洲的矿业大亨,也是澳洲议员。
Mr Palmer’s company Mineralogy on Friday served a legal notice against Citic – until recentlyknown as Citic Pacific – marking the latest development in an increasingly bitter disputebetween the partners in the troubled iron ore project.
帕尔默旗下公司Mineralogy周五向中信集团发出法律通知书,标志着这一陷入困境的铁矿石项目的合作方之间的争议日益激烈。中信集团最近将资本全部注入子公司中信泰富(Citic Pacific)。
“This is a A$10bn project involving many hundreds of millions of dollars, they’ve failed to paytheir royalties to us and they’ve shipped more than $200m worth of product to China and notpaid for it,” said Mr Palmer.
Citic, one of China’s largest state-owned conglomerates, agreed a deal in 2006 with Mineralogy,which owns the rights to the ore deposits, to develop a US$2bn mine.
But the project has been hit by high labour costs and complexities involved in processing themagnetite ore, causing its costs to blow out to US$8bn.
In a statement to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, Citic said it would seek an injunction inthe supreme court of Western Australia on Friday to restrain Mineralogy from relying on thenotice to terminate its mining rights.
在向香港证交所提交的一份声明中,中信表示,将于周五向西澳高等法院申请禁止令,制止 Mineralogy用自己发出的通知来中止中信方面的采矿权。
“Mineralogy has been restrained by the court or has undertaken to the court not to rely onseveral default and termination notices on three separate occasions over the past twoyears,” said Citic.
The company said it had paid US$415m to Mineralogy to acquire its rights at the Sino Ironproject and all the royalties owed to the company.
The Chinese company recently launched a legal action against Mr Palmer, who was elected toparliament last year and holds the balance of power in the Senate through his Palmer Unitedparty.
中信最近针对帕尔默提起法律诉讼,帕尔默去年被选为澳大利亚议会议员,通过他所在的“帕尔默团结党”(Palmer United Party)影响澳大利亚参议院的权力。
Citic has accused the mining magnate of misusing $12m through his company Mineralogy tofinance his election campaign.
Mr Palmer denies the allegations. He told ABC radio on Friday that Citic’s claims were “just amade-up story like Alice in Wonderland that the press can run”. He then abruptly hung up thephone on the interviewer.
Last month Mr Palmer prompted a diplomatic incident between Australia and China when helaunched a tirade against the Chinese on national television, labelling them “bastards” and“mongrels” who shoot their own citizens.
本文关键字: 澳矿业大亨寻求终止中澳铁矿采矿权
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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