Hong Kong police yesterday opened a crucial trafficartery in the commercial district that has beenblocked for roughly two weeks because of pro-democracy protests that have paralysed chunks ofthe Chinese territory.
Police started dismantling barricades on Queensway – a main road in Admiralty district alongwhich Hong Kong’s trams cross the city – after protesters erected new bamboo blockadesovernight. Police forced the remaining handful of protesters to remove their tents, whichallowed them to open up the road to traffic.
The stalemate between the government and demonstrators was akin to a “new cold warmentality”, according to George Wong, 31, an artist who supports the students. The protesterswho remained in the area were committed to staying, he said.
支持学生的31岁艺术家乔治•黄(George Wong)称,政府与示威者之间的僵局类似于“新冷战思维”。他说,留在抗议现场的示威者决心坚持到底。
“We are also very sorry for the public for blocking the roads . . . but we are blocking them for agood reason,” said Mr Wong. Moving the protests to public parks would eliminate anybargaining power with the government, he added.
Hong Kong has over the past fortnight faced its worst unrest since it was handed back to Chinain 1997. Students and other pro-democracy activists have occupied key parts of the city tooppose a Chinese plan for electoral reform in the territory.
In recent days the number of protesters has dwindled from the tens – and possibly hundreds –of thousands that took to the street two weeks ago to criticise the governments in Hong Kongand Beijing. But smaller groups have set up camps to keep several main roads blocked.
The move to open Queensway is part of a government strategy to chip away at the protestmovement without resorting to tactics that could inflame tensions and spark sympathy forthe protesters. One officer said the government had told police to adopt a gentle approach.Two weeks ago police fired tear gas at protesters – a move that backfired by generating moresupport for the movement.
Across town in Causeway Bay, a popular shopping district, the few dozen protesters whocamped overnight were kept awake until 3am by announcements from the fire departmentand the police. Just after 5am, they were roused again when hundreds of police quickly movedin to remove barricades and reopen one section of road to traffic.
By 7.30am, the camp was reduced to 20 tents laid out around a tram stop, where about 100people sat between big piles of food and water.
Protesters in Causeway Bay remained defiant but were well aware that their time in this partof town looked to be running out. Many expected to be driven out soon, not by police but bylocal gangs.
Catherine, 30, a secretary who declined to give her surname, said the protesters would “findother channels to protest” if they were evicted by force. “We will try to protect our city untilthe last minute,” she said.
CY Leung, the Hong Kong chief executive, has backed the Chinese plan for electoral reform,making him a target of the protesters, who have depicted him in street art as everything fromPinocchio to the devil.
表态支持中央选举改革方案的香港行政长官梁振英(CY Leung),成为了抗议者的攻击对象。从匹诺曹(《木偶奇遇记》主角——译者注)到恶魔,他在街头画作中被描绘成各种反面人物。
Many of the demonstrators who have set up camp in the main protest zone on Harcourt Roadnear government headquarters say they have no intention of retreating. But the student-ledprotest movement has been facing growing calls from Hong Kong residents to stop disruptingtraffic and commerce.
Last week, Alex Chow, head of the Federation of Students, said that the protests were a test forthe depth of desire for political reform in Hong Kong.
上周,香港专上学生联会(简称“学联”)秘书长周永康(Alex Chow)表示,这些抗议是对香港各界对政改渴望深度的考验。
本文关键字: 香港警方打通部分被民主抗议封堵道路
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