克服BEC听力的最大障碍, 失音与连读

2007-10-26 00:00:00来源:暂无来源


² /W/+/i:/ North Ethiopia /nC:W i:Wi`EupjE/
² /W/+/i/ have a cloth in the wind / klCW in TE wind/
² /W/+/e/ tooth error /tu:W erE/
² /W/+/A/ tooth and nail /tu:W And neil/
² /W/+/B:/ North Argentina /nC:W B:dVEn`ti:nE
² /W/+/C/ cloth orange /klCW `CrindV/
² /W/+/C:/ South Oregon /sauW `C:rigEn/
² /W/+/Q/ beneath us /bi`ni:W Qs/
² /W/+/E/ south of it /sauW Ev it/
² /W/+/E:/ Elizabeth earned $15 /i`lizEbEW E:nd/
² /W/+/ei/ moth ate /mCW eit/
² /W/+/ai/ South Iceland /sau:W `aislEnd/
² /W/+/au/ tooth outline /tu:W aut`lain/
² /W/+/Ci/ beneath oilcan /bi`ni:W `CilkEn/
² /W/+/iE/ both ears and eyes /bEuW iE End aiz/
² /W/+/Z[/ both air and water are necessary to man /bEuW Z[/
² /W/+/Eu/ both ocean and river /bEuW EuFEn/


² /F/+/i:/ British eagle /`britiF i:gl/
² /F/+/i/ an English idiom /En `iNgliF`idiEm/
² /F/+/e/ yellowish egg /`jelEuiF eg/
² /F/+/A/ childish action /tFaildiF `AkFEn/
² /F/+/B:/ childish arguments /`tFaildiF `B:gjumEnt/
² /F/+/C/ reddish orange /rediF `CrindV/
² /F/+/C:/ British audience /`britiF `C:djEns/
² /F/+/Q/ dish up /diF Qp/
² /F/+/E/ push away /puF Ewei/
² /F/+/E:/ cash earnings /kAF `E:niNs/
² /F/+/ei/ Bush age /buF eidV/
² /F/+/ai/ British island /britiF `ailEnd/
² /F/+/au/ dish out /diF aut/
² /F/+/Ci/ English oil / `iNgliF Cil/
² /F/+/iE/ Bush era /buF `iErE/
² /F/+/Z[/ fresh air /freF Z[/
² /F/+/Eu/ push over /puF `EuvE/


² /tF/+/i:/ lunch eating / lQtF `i:tiN/
² /tF/+/i/ a French idiom /E frentF `idiEm/
² /tF/+/e/ search errors /sE:tF `erEz/
² /tF/+/A/ tried to catch at the life preserver /traid tu: katF At/
² /tF/+/B:/ search after /sE:tF B:ftE/
² /tF/+/C/ set a watch on/set a wCtF Cn/
² /tF/+/C:/ search all corners /sE:tF C:l `kCnEz/
² /tF/+/Q/ catch up /kAtF Qp/
² /tF/+/E/ touch and feel /tQtF End fi:l/
² /tF/+/E:/ much urgent /mQtF `E:gEnt/
² /tF/+/ei/ Dutch aid /dQtF eid/
² /tF/+/ai/ Dutch island /dQtF `ailEnd/
² /tF/+/au/ catch out /kAtF aut/
² /tF/+/Ci/ French oyster /frentF `CistE/
² /tF/+/iE/ touch ears /tQtF iEz/
² /tF/+/Z[/ French area /frentF `Z[rE/
² /tF/+/Eu/ watch over /wCtF `EuvE/


² /p/+/i:/ bob eagerly /bCb `i:gEli/
² /b/+/i/ bob into /bCb intu/
² /b/+/e/ jab anything he saw /jAb `eniWiN/
² /b/+/A/ She bobbed at me. /bCb At/
² /b/+/B:/ a sub art museum /sQb B:t mju:`ziEm/
² /b/+/C/ corks bob on the water /bCb Cn/
² /b/+/C:/ Bob ordered a cup of coffee. /bCb C:dEd/
² /b/+/Q/ This problems bob up again. /bCb Qp/
² /b/+/E/ lab assistant /lAb E`sistEnt/
² /b/+/E:/ Bob earned $900 a year /bCb E:nd/
² /b/+/ei/ Bob ate up everything/bCb eit Qp/
² /b/+/ai/ dab eyes with a handkerchief /dAb aiz/
² /b/+/au/ bob out of /bCb aut Cv/ 骗取
² /b/+/Ci/ sub oil company /sQb Cil `kQmpEni/
² /b/+/iE/ jab ears /jAb iEz/
² /b/+/Z[/ arab area /`ArEb `Z[riE/
² /b/+/Eu/ pub owned /pQb Eund/


² /d/+/i:/ a life of luxury and ease /`lQkFEri End i:z/
² /d/+/i/ need it / ni:d it/
² /d/+/e/ bad editor /bAd `editE/
² /d/+/A/ a sad actor /sAd `AktE/
² /d/+/B:/ had asked /hAd B:skt/
² /d/+/C/ squeezed orange /skwi:zd `CrindV/
² /d/+/C:/ had ordered /hAd `C:dEd/
² /d/+/Q/ stand up /stAnd Qp/
² /d/+/E/ side of /said Ev/
² /d/+/E:/ bright and early /brait End `E:li/
² /d/+/ei/ need eighteen dollars /ni:d ei`ti:n `dClEz/
² /d/+/ai/ good idea /gud ai`diE/
² /d/+/au/ send our manager a mail /send `auE/
² /d/+/Ci/ You should oil that machine often /Fud Cil/
² /d/+/iE/ a good ear /E gud iE/
² /d/+/Z[/ a concerned air /E kEn`sE:nd Z[/
² /d/+/Eu/ strolled over the bridge /strEuld `EuvE/


² /g/+/i:/ a big eagle /E big i:gl/
² /g/+/i/ a sharp dig in the ribs /dig in TE `ribz//
² /g/+/e/ a big egg /E big eg/
² /g/+/A/ dig at /dig At/ 嘲笑
² /g/+/B:/ sag after a short rally /sAg `B:ftE/
² /g/+/C/ a big orange /E big `CrindV/
² /g/+/C:/ dig all day long /dig C:l dei lCN/
² /g/+/Q/ dug up the evidence /dQg Qp/
² /g/+/E/ hug and kiss / hQg End kis/
² /g/+/E:/ bog earth /bRg E:W/
² /g/+/ei/ a big ape /E big eip/
² /g/+/ai/ pig iron /pig aiEn/
² /g/+/au/ dug out the real facts /dQg aut/
² /g/+/Ci/ a big oyster /E big `Cist[/
² /g/+/iE/ a big ear /E big iE/
² /g/+/Z[/ a big airplane /E big `Z[plein/
² /g/+/Eu/ dig over /dig `EuvE/


² /v/+/i:/ a life of ease / E laif Ev i:z/ on edge
² /v/+/i/ they live in /liv in/
² /v/+/e/ a decisive edge in military strength /di`saisiv edV/
² /v/+/A/ five actors /faiv `AktEz/
² /v/+/B:/ save articles for further use /seiv `B:tiklz/
² /v/+/C/ give off /giv Cv/
² /v/+/C:/ give or take /giv C: teik/
² /v/+/Q/ give up /giv Qp/
² /v/+/E/ five and five /faiv End faiv/
² /v/+/E:/ arrive early / E`raiv `E:li/
² /v/+/ei/ give aim /giv eim/
² /v/+/ai/ a will of iron /E wil Ev aiEn/
² /v/+/au/ give out /giv aut/
² /v/+/Ci/ smell of oil /smel Cv Cil/
² /v/+/iE/ have earphones /hAv `iEfEunz/
² /v/+/Z[/ have air conditioner /hAv Z[kEn`diFEnE/
² /v/+/Eu/ give over /giv `EuvE/


² /z/+/i:/ what is equality /wCt iz i:`kwCliti/
² /z/+/i/ a Chinese idiom /E tFni:z`idiEm/
² /z/+/e/ size effect /saiz i`fekt/
² /z/+/A/ quiz Alice /kwiz `Alis/
² /z/+/B:/ chases after /`tFeisiz `B:ftE/
² /z/+/C/ squeeze off /skwi:z Cf/
² /z/+/C:/ lose all /lu;z C:l/
² /z/+/Q/ squeeze up /skwi:z Qp/
² /z/+/E/ it is a …/it iz E/
² /z/+/E:/ The secretary always arrives early. /E`raivz `E:li/
² /z/+/ei/ lose aim /lu:z eim/
² /z/+/ai/ that is idleness /TAt iz `aidlnis/
² /z/+/au/ squeeze out /skwi:z aut/
² /z/+/Ci/ it is oil /it iz Cil/
² /z/+/iE/ fish has ears /fiF hAz iEz/
² /z/+/Z[/ size air shower /saiz Z[ `FauE/
² /z/+/Eu/ it is over /it iz `EuvE/


² /T/+/i:/ with ease /wiT i:z/
² /T/+/i/ with it /wiT it/
² /T/+/e/ with anyone / wiT `eniwQn/
² /T/+/A/ with ash /wiT AF/
² /T/+/B:/ with artistic eyes /wiT B:`tistik aiz/
² /T/+/C/ meet with opposition /mi:t wiT CpE`ziFEn/
² /T/+/C:/ With all her experience /wiT C:l/
² /T/+/Q/ with us /wiT Qs/
² /T/+/E/ with a friend /wiT E frend/
² /v/+/E:/ with earth and water /wiT E:W/
² /T/+/ei/ hair white with age /wiT `eidV/
² /T/+/ai/ with ice /wiT ais/
² /T/+/au/ with our boss /wiT `auE bCs/
² /T/+/Ci/ with oil /wiT Cil/
² /T/+/iE/ with earphone /wiT `iEfEun/
² /T/+/Z[/ with air /wiT Z[/
² /T/+/Eu/ with oldman /wiT `EuldmEn/


² /dV/+/i:/ a village east to …/E `vilidV i:st tu/
² /dV/+/i/ engage in /in`geidV in/
² /dV/+/e/ His smile engages everyone he meets /in`geidV `evriwQn/
² /dV/+/A/ judge an essay contest/ dVQdV An esei `cQntest/
² /dV/+/B:/ wage after the strike /weidV B:ftE/
² /dV/+/C/ osage orange /Eu`seidV `CrindV/
² /dV/+/C:/ cage always has a gate /keidV `C:lwEz hAz E geit/
² /dV/+/Q/ be engaged upon /bi: in`geidV E
² /dV/+/E/ gauge of it /gadV Ev it/
² /dV/+/E:/ average earnings /`AvEridV `E:niNs/
² /dV/+/ei/ average age /`AvEridV eidV/
² /dV/+/ai/ average eyesight /`AvEridV `aisait/
² /dV/+/au/ average out of /`AvEridV aut/
² /dV/+/Ci/ cage oil press /keidV Cil pres/
² /dV/+/iE/ the stage ear /steidV iE/
² /dV/+/Z[/ a storage area/`stCridV `Z[rE/
² /dV/+/Eu/ a village over the border/E `vilidV E`uvE TE `bC:dE/


² /l/+/i:/ still eat a lot/sti:l i:t E lCt/
² /l/+/i/ steal it /sti:l it/
² /l/+/e/ will any of you…/wil `eni Cv ju:/
² /l/+/A/ peel an apple /pi:l An Apl/
² /l/+/B:/ a dull act /E dQl Akt/
² /l/+/C/ all opposition to the government /C:l CpE`ziFEn/
² /l/+/C:/ until or after / Qntil C: B:ftE/
² /l/+/Q/ tell us /tel Qs/
² /l/+/E/ what’s the big deal of it /di:l Ev it/
² /l/+/E:/ real earnings /ri:l `E:niNs/
² /l/+/ei/ middle age /midl eidV/
² /l/+/ai/ shall I /FEl ai/
² /l/+/au/ feel out /fi:l aut/
² /l/+/Ci/ animal oils /`AnimEl Cilz/
² /l/+/iE/ we are all ears / C:l iEs/
² /l/+/Z[/ the study of historical area /his`tCrikEl `Z[riE/
² /l/+/Eu/ fell over the cliff /fel `EuvE/


² /m/+/i:/ I'm easy /ai Am `i:zi/
² /m/+/i/ same effect /seim i`fekt/
² /m/+/e/ time every step /taim `evri step/
² /m/+/A/ aim at /eim At/
² /m/+/B:/ time after /taim `B:ftE/
² /m/+/C/ flame orange /fleim `CrindV/
² /m/+/C:/ harm all /hB:m C:l/
² /m/+/Q/ come up /kQm Qp/
² /m/+/E/ harm of it /hB:m Ev it/
² /m/+/E:/ a rose that was cultivated to bloom early /blu:m `E:li/
² /m/+/ei/ Tim aided me with money. /tim `eidid mi wiT mQni/
² /m/+/ai/ harm eyes /hB:m aiz/
² /m/+/au/ program outline prEugrAm aut`lain/
² /m/+/Ci/ same oily fingers /seim `Cili `fiNgEz/
² /m/+/iE/ harm ears /hB:m iEz/
² /m/+/Z[/ same area /seim `Z[rE/
² /m/+/Eu/ troubles loom over /lu:m `EuvE/


² /n/+/i:/ an eagle /En i:gl/
² /n/+/i/ an English book /En `iNgiF buk/
² /n/+/e/ on edge /Cn edV/
² /n/+/A/ an apple /En Apl/
² /n/+/B:/ an article /En `B:tikl/
² /n/+/C/ an orange / En `CrindV/
² /n/+/C:/ an awful play /En C:ful plei/
² /n/+/Q/ an usher / En QFE/
² /n/+/E/ in an hour /in En auE/
² /n/+/E:/ an early computer /En E:li cEm`pju:tE/
² /n/+/ei/ the Stone Age /stEun `eidV/
² /n/+/ai/ when I /wen ai/
² /n/+/au/ in an hour /in En auE/
² /n/+/Ci/ an oily liquid /En `Cili `likwid/
² /n/+/iE/ corn ear /cC:n iE/
² /n/+/Z[/ an air of /En Z[ Cv/
² /n/+/Eu/ an only son /En `Eunli sQn/


² /N/+/i:/ flying eagles /flaiiN i:glz/
² /N/+/i/ building image /`bildiN `imidV/
² /N/+/e/ writing essay /`raitiN `esei/
² /N/+/A/ eating apple /i:tiN Apl/
² /N/+/B:/ presenting argument /pri`zentiN `B:gjumEnt/
² /N/+/C/ king orange /kinN `CrindV/s
² /N/+/C:/ exciting audience /ik`saitiN `C:diEns/
² /N/+/Q/ doing up /du:iN Qp/
² /N/+/E/ sending advertisement /sendiN Ed`vE:tismEnt/
² /N/+/E:/ filtering earth /`filtEriN E:W/
² /N/+/ei/ young age /jQN `eidV/
² /N/+/ai/ shining eyes /`FainiN ais/
² /N/+/au/ being ousted from /biN austid frCm/
² /N/+/Ci/ burning oil /`bE:niN Cil/
² /N/+/iE/ a listening ear /`lisniN iE/
² /N/+/Z[/ a farming area /fB:miN `Z[riE/
² /N/+/Eu/ a hawk gliding over the hills /glaidinN `EuvE/




² /B:/+/i:/ We bar eating here. / wi: bB: r`i:tiN hiE/
² /B:/+/i/ We bar it here. / wi: bB: r`it hiE/
² /B:/+/e/ Walls bar every way into his garden. /bB: r`evri wei/
² /B:/+/A/ as far as /As fB:r As/
² /B:/+/B:/ how far are you going /hau fB: B: ju: `gEuiN/
² /B:/+/C/ jar on his nerves /dVB: Cn his nE:vz/
² /B:/+/C:/ They bar all the doors. /Tei bB:r C:l TE dC:z/
² /B:/+/Q/ star up /stB: r Qp/
² /B:/+/E/ far away /fB:r Ewei/
² /B:/+/E:/ these are urgent /Tiz B:r `E:dVEnt/
² /B:/+/ei/ they are able to /B:r eibl tu/
² /B:/+/ai/ they are eyes /B:r aiz/
² /B:/+/au/ Troubles mar our joy. /trQblz mB:r `auE dVCi/
² /B:/+/Ci/ mar oilpaintings /mB:r `CilpeintiNz/
² /B:/+/iE/ they are ears /B:r iEz/
² /B:/+/Z[/ there are airplanes /B:r `Z[pleinz /
² /B:/+/Eu/ they are over now. /B:r `EuvE nau/


² /C:/+/i:/ hard or easy /hB:d C:r `i:zi/
² /C:/+/i/ pour it away /pC:r it Ewei/
² /C:/+/e/ friend or enemy /frend C:r `enimi/
² /C:/+/A/ orange or apple /CrindV C:r Apl/
² /C:/+/B:/ before or after /bi`fC C:r `B:ftE/
² /C:/+/C/ pour on /pC:r Cn/
² /C:/+/C:/ seldom or always /seldEm C:r `C:lwEz/
² /C:/+/Q/ down or up /daun C:r Qp/
² /C:/+/E/ Prices soar again /sC:r `Egein/
² /C:/+/E:/ late or early /leit C:r `E:li/
² /C:/+/ei/ nine or eight /nain C:r eit/
² /C:/+/ai/ water or ice /wC:tE C:r ais/
² /C:/+/au/ pour out grievance /pC:r aut `gri:vEns/
² /C:/+/Ci/ pour oil on the flames /pC:r Cil Cn fleimz/
² /C:/+/iE/ nose or ear /nEuz C:r iE/
² /C:/+/Z[/ liquid or air /`likwid C:r Z[/
² /C:/+/Eu/ river or ocean /`rivE C:r `EuFEn/


² /E:/+/i:/ stir eagerly /stE: r `i:gEli/
² /E:/+/i/ stir in its sleep /stE:r in its sli /
² /E:/+/e/ blur any record /blE:r `eni `rekC:d/
² /E:/+/A/ blur at the window screen / blE: r At/
² /E:/+/B:/ stir argument /atE: r `B:gjumEnt/
² /E:/+/C/ a blur on his good name /E blE:r Cn his gud neim/
² /E:/+/C:/ defer all plans /difE: r C:l plAn/
² /d/+/Q/ stir up /stE: r Qp/
² /E:/+/E/ stir about /sE: r E`baut/
² /E:/+/E:/ stir urban inhabitants /stE: r E:bEn in`hAbitEnts/
² /E:/+/ei/ spur Ada to fight /spE: r `eidE tu: fait/
² /E:/+/ai/ tears blur eyes /tiEz blE:r aiz/
² /E:/+/au/ stir out /sE: r aut/
² /E:/+/Ci/ stir oil /stE:r Cil/
² /E:/+/iE/ stir ear noise /stE: r iE nCilz/
² /E:/+/Z[/ defer air action /di`fE: r Z[ AkFEn/
² /E:/+/Eu/ stir ocean bed /stE: r EuFEn bed/


² /iE/+/i:/ sheer easiness /FiEr i:zinis/
² /iE/+/i/ ear infection /iEr in`fekFEn/
² /iE/+/e/ dear Eda /diE `edQ/
² /iE/+/A/ sheer alloy /FiEr AlCi/
² /iE/+/B:/ sheer arbitrariness /FiEr `B:bitrErinis/
² /iE/+/C/ sheer off /FiEr C:f/
² /iE/+/C:/ deer or horse /diEr C: hC:s/
² /iE/+/Q/ cheer up /tFiEr Qp/
² /iE/+/E/ the fear of it /TEfiEr Ev it/
² /iE/+/E:/ cheer earnestly /tFiE `E:nistli/
² /iE/+/ei/ Dear Ada / diE `eidQ/
² /iE/+/ai/ sheer isolation /FiEr aisE`leiFEn/
² /iE/+/au/ clear out /kliEr aut/
² /iE/+/Ci/ hear oil factory’s explosion /hiEr Cil/
² /iE/+/iE/ clear ear /kliEr iE/
² /iE/+/Z[/ clear air /kliEr Z[/
² /iE/+/Eu/ here only /hiEr `Eunli/


² /Z[/+/i:/ bear eats man /bZ[r i:z mAn/
² /ZE/+/i/ novelist use their imagination /TZEr imAdV`neiFEn/
² /Z[/+/e/ bear any insult /bZ[r `eni `inzQlt/
² /Z[/+/A/ share and enjoy it /FZ[r And in`dVCi it/
² /Z[/+/B:/ there are /TZ[r B:/
² /Z[/+/C/ bear on /bZ[r Rn/
² /Z[/+/C:/ share all /FZ[r C:l/
² /ZE/+/Q/ bear up /bZEr Qp/
² /Z[/+/E/ bear an analogy to /bZ[r En E`nAlEdV tu:/
² /Z[/+/E:/ rear earth /rZ[ E:W /
² /Z[/+/ei/ share eight apples /FZ[r eit Aplz/
² /Z[/+/ai/ share idea /FZ[r ai`diE/
² /Z[/+/au/ bear out /bZ[r aut/
² /Z[/+/Ci/ hair oil /hZ[r Cil/
² /Z[/+/iE/ bear ear /bZ[r iE/
² /Z[/+/Z[/ share air /FZ[r Z[/
² /Z[/+/Eu/ share over /FZ[r `EuvE/


² /E/+/i:/ a bitter eating experience /E `bitEr i:tiN iks`piEriEns/
² /E/+/i/ the bitter illusion /TE `bitEr i`lu:FEn/
² /E/+/e/ collar end /`kClEr end/
² /E/+/A/ matter at issue /mAtEr At `isju:/
² /E/+/B:/ the sour article /TE sauEr `B:tikl/
² /E/+/C/ sour orange /`sauEr `CrindV/
² /E/+/C:/ an hour or two /En `auEr C:tu/
² /E/+/Q/ a better usher /E betEr `QFE/
² /E/+/E/ matter of life and death /mAtEr Ev/
² /E/+/E:/ our earth /`auEr E:W/
² /E/+/ei/ matter age /mAtEr eidV/
² /E/+/ai/ better eyesight /betEr `aisait/
² /E/+/au/ better hour /betEr `auE/
² /E/+/Ci/ banana oil /bE`nB:nE Cil/
² /E/+/iE/ matter era /mAtEr `iErE/
² /E/+/Z[/ better airplane /betEr `Z[plein/
² /E/+/Eu/ larger ocean island /lB:dVEr `EuFEn `ailEnd/

² /uE/+/i:/ cure easily /kjuEr `i:zili/
² /uE/+/i/ cure in the hospital /kjuEr in/
² /uE/+/e/ pure essay /pjuEr esei/
² /uE/+/A/ cure an evil /kjuEr An `i:vil/
² /uE/+/B:/ pure art /pjuEr B:t/
² /uE/+/C/ pure oxygen /pjuEr `CksidVEn/
² /uE/+/C:/ cure all /kjuEr C:l/
² /uE/+/Q/ pure until 18 /pjuEr Qn`til/
² /uE/+/E/ cure of /kjuEr Ev/
² /uE/+/E:/ pure earth /pjuEr E:W/
² /uE/+/ei/ cure ailing economy /kjuEr eiliN i:`kCnEmi/
² /uE/+/ai/ pure ice /pjuEr ais/
² /uE/+/au/ lure out /luEr ais/
² /uE/+/Ci/ pure oil /pjuEr Cil/
² /uE/+/iE/ cure ear disease /kjuEr iE/
² /uE/+/Z[/ pure air /pjuEr Z[/
² /uE/+/Eu/ cure over 40 people /kjuEr `EuvE/

