Armed with foreign birth certificates, school records and proof they have grown up in the U.S., tens of thousands of young illegal immigrants across the country applied Wednesday to a program that could allow them to remain in the country and work legally.
In Chicago, more than 10,000 people thronged Navy Pier to take part in an application workshop held by the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights. In Los Angeles, lines began forming at 5 a.m. outside the offices of another organization where more than 100 volunteers, including attorneys, were on hand to help applicants fill out forms.
在芝加哥,逾1万人挤在海军码头(Navy Pier)参加伊利诺伊移民和难民权利联盟(Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights)组织的一个申请培训。在洛杉矶,另一个组织的办公室门外从早上五点就开始排起了长队,包括律师在内的100多名志愿者现场帮助申请人填写表格。
"I'm ready for my life to change,' said Luis Garcia, 27 years old, of Mexico, who had been standing more than two hours in a line that wrapped around the block of the Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles.
27岁的加西亚(Luis Garcia)来自墨西哥,她已经在队伍中排了两个多小时。她说已经准备好改变自己的生活。长长的队伍将洛杉矶人道移民权利联盟(Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles)所在的街区塞得水泄不通。
Crescencio Calderon, the 21-year-old son of a gardener arrived at sunrise. 'So many opportunities are going to open up now,' said the Mexican college student, who boasts a 3.95 grade point average and hopes to study law.
21岁的卡尔德隆(Crescencio Calderon)是一位墨西哥大学生,他是一个园丁的儿子。卡尔德隆在日出时到达申请地点,他说,很快就会有很多机会在向自己招手。卡尔德隆的平均学分绩点(GPA)达到3.95,他希望日后学习法律。
Nearly two million immigrants could benefit from the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which began accepting applications Wednesday. The program, announced by President Barack Obama in June, is the biggest development in immigration policy since 1986, when President Ronald Reagan convinced Congress to pass an amnesty that benefited three million undocumented immigrants. Beneficiaries of DACA will get a Social Security number. However, they won't get a green card-permanent legal residency that would put them on the path to U.S. citizenship. DACA participants have to reapply every two years.
近两百万移民能够从这一名为“童年时期抵达者暂缓驱逐”(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)的项目中受益。该项目从周三开始接受申请。这项由美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)今年6月宣布生效的项目是美国自1986年以来在移民政策上的最大变革。1986年,时任美国总统的里根(Ronald Reagan)说服国会通过一项大赦,令300万无证移民从中受益。“暂缓驱逐”项目的受益者将获得一个社会保障号码,不过他们不会获得绿卡(即永久合法居留资格,是成为美国公民的重要一步)。该项目参与人每隔两年要重新提交一次申请。
Some critics of illegal immigration say the program is tantamount to amnesty and will mean more competition for scarce jobs. Others say the president is pandering to Latino voters in an election year.
To qualify, immigrants must show they arrived in the U.S. before they turned 16, are 30 or younger and have lived continuously in the country for at least five years. They also must be enrolled in school in the U.S., have graduated from high school here or served in the U.S. military. The application fee is $465.
Immigrants have been scrambling to secure the documents they require. The consulates of Mexico and some Central American countries saw demand surge for passports and other identification. Los Angeles Unified School District's student-records office was barraged with requests for transcripts.
大量非法移民争先恐后地获取他们所需的文件。墨西哥以及一些中美洲国家的领事馆发现申请护照和其它身份识别文件的需求激增。洛杉矶联合学区(Los Angeles Unified School District)的学生记录办公室收到大量希望获得成绩单的请求。
本文关键字: 美国年轻非法移民
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