
2012-09-05 00:00:00来源:可可英语

  7. Danica McKellar
  丹妮卡 麦凯拉

  The cute, fringe-haired beauty from ‘The Wonder Years’, has co-authored a math theorem. Now who would have thought that? Kevin Arnold was one lucky boy to have Winnie Cooper as his girlfriend. He left many others fuming with envy。
  There are many other such examples of women who have proved that they have the killer mix of beauty and brains. So it is a clear possibility. However, I am of the opinion that just like having a degree won"t make one any brainer, having a pretty face doesn't automatically mean being smart either. Every person has their own take on what they consider beautiful and/or intelligent. Some might call Einstein brainer than newton, while some might say that Emma Watson is prettier than Natalie Portman. However, while brain power can be measured through proven tests beauty can't. so when magazines rate hot women, it is simply based on popular opinion
  Both beauty and brains depend on the genes that are passed on to us. The other things that contribute towards building brains and a healthy image of ourselves include, the kind of books we read, social circle, people we respect and follow, ideas and thoughts that have been fed to us and the ones we develop by ourselves, music we listen to, art we appreciate, opportunities we get, encouragement we receive from our loved ones, and most of all, personal motivation. All in all, beauty and brains can go hand in hand, or could have nothing to do with each other. It all depends from person to person。

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