
2014-01-31 10:32:00来源:可可英语

  9. Credit cards with points or miles programs

  9. 有积分或里程奖励计划的信用卡

  Card issuers have been ramping up some of their rewards programs in the past few years, but consumers should steer clear of one common promotion: credit cards with rewards programs that are comprised of points or miles.


  Many card issuers are devaluing their rewards programs by requiring cardholders to spend more in order to get the same 'free award' they could have gotten previously with fewer points. What's more, many of these cards come with annual fees, ranging from $30 to $75.

  许多信用卡发行商使奖励计划大打折扣, 他们要求持卡人花更多的钱才能获得之前用较少的点数就能换得的相同“免费奖励”。此外,这些信用卡有许多会收取年费,年费在30到75美元之间。

  Instead, consider a credit card with a 'cash-back' program - a rewards program that's a lot more straightforward: consumers get 1% to 5% cash back per a certain number of dollars they swipe on their card.


  10. Digital cameras

  10. 数码相机

  Their small size and sleek look made digital 'point and shoot' cameras all the rage for years. Now, demand is sunsetting. Roughly 11.5 million are estimated to have sold this year in the U.S., down 44% from 2012, according to the Consumer Electronics Association, which represents consumer technology companies. Sales are expected to drop to just under 8 million next year.

  小巧的尺寸和时尚的外观让数码“傻瓜”相机在很多年里受到消费者的追捧。而如今需求正在走下坡路。代表消费技术公司的消费电子产品协会(Consumer Electronics Association)数据显示,2013年美国数码傻瓜相机销量估计在1,150万部左右,较2012年下降了44%。预计2014年销量将降至略低于800万部的水平。

  The cameras are suffering from an identity crisis. Consumers who want high-quality photos are opting for the larger, DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras. Others prefer to stick with just one gadget - their smartphone - which takes pictures.


  And there's new competition from cameras intended for the outdoor thrill-seeker, like the GoPro, for people who want photos capturing action (the camera attaches to your body while white water rafting or scuba diving, for instance) rather than stopping to pose for a pic.

