双语新闻:不做大型手术 也能治愈肺病

2014-05-06 13:45:11来源:可可英语

  'In the right patients, we've proven that lung reduction surgery works, but doctors aren't referring patients for the procedure and patients aren't interested in doing major surgery,' says Frank Sciurba, director of the Pulmonary Function and Exercise Physiology Lab at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and principal investigator for its part of the coils-implant trial. One aim of the trial, he says, is to determine which patients have the right lung structure and physiology to benefit from the coils procedure.

  匹兹堡大学医学中心(University of Pittsburgh Medical Center)肺功能与运动生理学实验室(Pulmonary Function and Exercise Physiology Lab)主任、该校部分线圈植入试验的主要研究者弗兰克·休尔巴(Frank Sciurba)说:“我们已经证明,在适合动手术的病人身上,肺减容手术的确有效,但医生们不会将病患送去接受这种疗法,而患者自身也对大手术没什么兴趣。”他还称,试验的目的之一就是确定什么样的患者拥有适应线圈疗法的肺部结构与生理机能,从而能从该疗法中获益。

  The coils trial isn't studying costs. 'In the long run the hope is this could be more cost-effective,' says Dr. Sciurba, by reducing hospitalization costs, complications and readmissions. A PneumRx spokeswoman says the coils procedure in Europe costs $15,000. 'We aren't yet far enough along in the U.S. market to have a valid comparison,' she says.


  Experts have had mixed results with other nonsurgical techniques, such as chemical sealants and steam to destroy the diseased part of the lung. In another current clinical trial, researchers are guiding a small, umbrella-shaped valve into the airways that redirects air from less healthy to more healthy parts of the lung while letting trapped air escape. An earlier trial of the valves ended without meeting the requirements for Food & Drug Administration approval, but Redmond, Wash., device maker Spiration Inc., is funding a new trial to determine if the procedure can help reduce over-inflation of the lung and improve overall lung function and quality of life.

  而在其他非手术治疗技术方面,专家们已收获了好坏不一的结果,比如用化学密封剂和蒸汽去破坏肺上的病变部位。在目前另一起临床试验中,研究人员牵引一个小伞型阀门进入气道,把空气从肺部欠佳的部位重新导至肺上更为健康的部位,同时让残留空气排出来。早些时候的一次阀门疗法试验因未满足美国食品药物管理局(Food & Drug Administration)的认证要求而收场,但华盛顿州雷德蒙德市(Redmond, Wash.)器具制造商Spiration Inc. 公司现正出资进行一项新试验,以确认这种疗法能否帮助减少肺部过度膨胀并改善肺的整体机能、提高生命的质量。

  D. Kyle Hogarth, director of bronchoscopy and assistant professor of medicine at the University of Chicago who is leading an arm of the valve study there, says a possible risk to the use of any device is infection from foreign bodies inserted into the lung. While coils aren't designed to be removed, valves could be removed if necessary, he says. Because emphysema can affect individual patients' lungs differently, in the future, patients may end up qualifying for both coils and valves, 'to treat different types of abnormalities and breathing problems,' Dr. Hogarth says.



