The theft suspicions surround events at a now-dismantled facility in Apollo, Pa., owned by acompany called Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corp., or Numec. In the mid-1960s, some200 pounds of bomb-grade uranium--enough possibly for several Hiroshima-sized bombs--couldn't be accounted for there.
疑似的盗铀事件发生在一家名为Nuclear Materials & Equipment Corp.(简称Numec)的公司在宾夕法尼亚州阿波罗一处现已被拆除的设施内。上世纪60年代中期,约200磅核弹级铀材料在这里莫名失踪,如此大量的铀足以生产好几枚爆炸威力堪比广岛事件的核弹。
An FBI investigation began in the late 1960s, which drew interest from top Nixonadministration officials, including the president, couldn't determine what happened to theuranium, according to Federal Bureau of Investigation and other agency documents. But FBIofficials did raise questions about suspected dealings between Numec's founder and president,Zalman Shapiro, and Israeli intelligence officials, according to government documents. Babcock& Wilcox Co., a nuclear-technology company that acquired Numec in 1971, declined tocomment.
根据美国联邦调查局(FBI)等机构档案,60年代末FBI开始对此事进行调查,并受到了尼克松(Richard Nixon)政府高级官员及总统本人的关注,但调查无法判定核材料究竟为何失踪。据政府档案,FBI官员的确怀疑Numec创始人兼总裁夏皮罗(Zalman Shapiro)可能与以色列情报官员进行了交易。在1971年收购了Numec的Babcock & Wilcox Co.拒绝就此置评。
In an interview late last year, the 93-year-old Mr. Shapiro said that no theft took place. Hesaid his dealings with Israel, where Numec had commercial activities, were legitimate and to hisknowledge never involved intelligence officials.
Potentially crucial sections of the recently released documents--obtained by the Institute forResearch: Middle Eastern Policy, an organization that has been critical of Israel--remainclassified.
最近公布的文件中具有潜在重要性的部分仍属机密。这些文件被一直以来批评以色列的组织Institute forResearch: Middle Eastern Policy获得。
The latest document release underscores the need for the government to declassify theremaining information about the suspected theft, some former federal officials say.
'We know the CIA thought the material was stolen. We want to know why they thought that,'says Victor Gilinsky, a former commissioner of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
核能管制委员会(Nuclear Regulatory Commission)前专员吉林斯基(Victor Gilinsky)说:“我们知道中央情报局以为材料被偷了,我们想弄清他们为何这样认为。”
Government records show that a federal nuclear-enrichment facility in Ohio sent shipments toNumec containing the highest percentage of U235, the explosive form of uranium, ever knownto have been produced, said Roger Mattson, another former NRC official.
另外一位核能管制委员会前官员马特森(Roger Mattson)称,政府记录显示,俄亥俄州的一个联邦核浓缩设施向Numec发送了含有迄今为止已知生产出来的最高浓度铀235的货物。铀235是爆炸性的铀。
本文关键字: 美国疑以色列与60年代铀失窃案有关
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