“We should see all of West Africa now as one big outbreak,” Dr. Osterholm said. “It’s very clearwe have to deal with all the areas with Ebola. If the U.S. is not able or not going to do it, that’sall the more reason to say the rest of the world has to do it.”
Dr. Jack Chow, a professor of global health at Carnegie Mellon University, also warned that“the virus does not recognize national borders and will continue to spread where health careis inadequate.”
卡内基梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)全球卫生教授周启康博士(Dr. Jack Chow)也警告说,“病毒不认国界,将在医疗条件不充足的地区继续蔓延。”
Top White House aides on Monday rejected criticism from African officials, doctors andrepresentatives from aid groups who said the United States had been slow to act in the face ofthe disease. Josh Earnest, the White House press secretary, said the government, including theC.D.C., had committed more than $100 million since the outbreak started in the early spring.
白宫高级幕僚周一否认了来自非洲官员、以及援助团体代表和医生的批评,他们指责美国在疾病面前行动缓慢。白宫新闻发言人乔希·欧内斯特(Josh Earnest)表示,包括疾病预防与控制中心在内的政府部门,在疾病于今年早春爆发时,就已经承诺提供1亿美元(约合6.2亿元人民币)的援助。
“The C.D.C. has responded commensurate to the seriousness” of the crisis, Mr. Earnest toldreporters ahead of a trip Mr. Obama has planned to the agency’s headquarters in Atlanta onTuesday afternoon. Mr. Earnest called the response “among the largest deployments of C.D.C.personnel ever.”
Senior administration officials conceded that the effort must expand further as the outbreakthreatens to spread in Africa and, potentially, beyond the continent. Officials said medicalexperts in the government were genuinely worried about the possibility of a mutation thatcould turn the virus into a more contagious sickness that could threaten the United States.
The World Health Organization has issued a dire Ebola warning for Liberia, saying that thenumber of afflicted patients was increasing exponentially and that all new treatment facilitieswere overwhelmed, “pointing to a large but previously invisible caseload.” The descriptionof the crisis in Liberia suggested an even more chaotic situation there than had been thought.
Ms. Johnson Sirleaf, who has implored Mr. Obama to do more to help her country battle thedisease, traveled over the weekend through Monrovia, the Liberian capital, with the UnitedStates ambassador, Deborah R. Malac.
约翰逊·瑟利夫曾呼吁奥巴马采取更多行动来帮助她的国家,她与美国大使黛博拉·R·马拉克(Deborah R.Malac)一起在周末视察了利比里亚首都蒙罗维亚。
本文关键字: 奥巴马敦促世界大国加速应对埃博拉
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