Even a limited western mission will meet difficulties. In many areas there are no local forcessuitable to receive western backing. In these places Isis might be forced to work covertly butthe group would continue to operate. This is most obviously a problem in Syria, outside thesliver of Kurdish-controlled territory in the country’s north. But it is also a difficulty in non-Kurdish Iraq, where the much-foretold uprising of Sunni tribes against their co-religionists inIsis is merely an aspiration not a matter of hard fact – not least because Sunni there werebadly abused during the rule of Nouri al-Maliki, the former prime minister. The primaryproblem here is Baghdad’s own politics, which western military action cannot fix.
西方背负的有限任务也将面临困难。在许多地区,当地没有适合接受西方支持的势力。在这些地区,ISIS可能被迫转入地下活动,但它不会停止活动。这个问题在叙利亚表现得最为明显——除了该国北部库尔德人控制的长条形地区外。但在伊拉克的非库尔德人地区也是一个问题——许多人预言的逊尼派奋起反抗同为逊尼派的ISIS只是一种愿望,并非事实,尤其是因为逊尼派在前总理努里•马利基(Nouri al-Maliki)统治期间吃尽苦头。这里的主要问题在于巴格达的政治,西方军事行动不可能解决这个问题。
Even where local forces can overwhelm Isis, there will be little the west can do to shape thepolitics on the ground, especially if it moves in undemocratic directions. That is a realpossibility, given that a common enemy does not equate to a common political goal.
Some argue for a bigger western role. They might say that Libya is a lesson in what happenswhen the west does not seek to reshape local politics after a common enemy has beendefeated. There, the west backed rebel factions, which then fragmented. The result waschaos.
But the parallels are inexact. Despite factional differences, the Kurds still form a coherentpolitical entity in their autonomous region of northern Iraq (and to a lesser extent in Syria)which can govern retaken ground. Baghdad might be able to govern western Iraq if it canreach accommodation with Sunni tribes.
In non-Kurdish Syria, however, things are more difficult. There, the regime of Bashar al-Assadis the only coherent political force. The Free Syrian Army’s “moderate rebels” are a shambles,and many of their weapons have ended up in the hands of hardline Islamists.
然而,在没有库尔德人的叙利亚地区,情况更为困难。在那里,巴沙尔•阿萨德(Bashar al-Assad)政权是唯一组织完善的政治力量。叙利亚自由军(Free Syrian Army)的“温和派叛军”已经瓦解,他们的许多武器最终落到死硬的伊斯兰主义者手中。
本文关键字: 打击ISIS
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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