At Jackson Hole Mr Draghi stated he is “confident” that the package of measures announcedin June and now being implemented will deliver the “intended boost to demand”. It isreasonable to be sceptical. In the six years to the second quarter of 2014, nominal demandrose a mere 2 per cent. Credit channels remain impaired. Fiscal policy also continues to tighten,even though interest rates are at the zero bound: the OECD has forecast that the cyclicallyadjusted fiscal deficit of the eurozone would shrink from a mere 1.4 per cent in 2013 to aneven more austere 0.9 per cent in 2014. Huge divergences in competitiveness remain. Theseare more difficult to rectify when inflation is so low. This is forcing vulnerable countries intodeflation, which raises the real level of their debt. Meanwhile, creditworthy core countries areblack holes for demand: this year Germany’s current account surplus might be as big as 8 percent of gross domestic product.
Last week the ECB promised to purchase a broad portfolio of “simple and transparent asset-backed securities”. This, it hopes, will improve credit intermediation inside the eurozone. Italso hopes that, through this and other programmes it has announced, it will be able toexpand its balance sheet back to where it was two years ago. This makes sense. It was anerror to let it shrink by about 10 per cent of eurozone GDP when other central banks, withconsiderably smaller problems than the eurozone’s to deal with, were avoiding prematurewithdrawal of such support (see chart). Moreover, the range of measures taken reinforcethe ECB’s forward guidance. It has locked itself into ultra-accommodative monetary policiesfor years, as it should.
Yet, despite all these actions, the interlocking problems of the eurozone are unlikely to beresolved soon. Indeed even the ECB forecasts no more than feeble growth ahead. So, shouldthe ECB do more? And what, above all, do other policy makers need to do in support?
The immediate question is whether the ECB should begin a programme of outrightquantitative easing by buying government bonds, presumably in proportion to shares ofmember countries in eurozone GDP. In a blog post in July, senior officials of the InternationalMonetary Fund argued that such QE would be effective. It would, they argued, reinforce thecredibility of the ECB target and have important effects on the prices of financial assets,including bonds and equities, and probably on exchange rates, too.
I agree that it should be tried. The current situation is too dire for policy makers to eschewsuch a valuable instrument. But declines in bond yields have already been so dramatic thatQE’s effects would no longer be as startling as they would have been two years ago.Furthermore, it is clear that the ECB would be taking on credit risk. It would be charged withmonetary financing of governments. I believe it should go ahead. But the row betweennorthern and southern Europe would surely be deafening.
What else is left? One possibility, suggested in Mr Draghi’s speech, is active use of fiscal policy.Ideally, there should be a mixture of higher public investments and lower taxes, particularly incountries with room for fiscal manoeuvre. The overall fiscal stance is too tight, with a deficitforecast by the OECD at just 2.5 per cent of GDP in a deep slump. In return, as Mr Draghidemands, countries need to embrace serious reforms, to raise supply potential – and, bystimulating investment, demand as well. A determination to use all instruments possible toraise demand, enhance supply potential and improve competitiveness, where necessary, isclearly where the eurozone must try to go. The new European Commission needs to take astand for common sense and growth, instead of insisting on misery yet again.
本文关键字: 欧元区成员国该如何应对经济挑战
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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