There are many reasons to work for an open, interconnected internet. It eases cross-bordercommerce and education, maximising economic opportunities. It enables otherwise isolatedpolitical, religious and sexual minorities to forge global alliances. The aftermath of the Arabuprisings has proved that unfettered internet access does not magically produce prosperityand pluralism – yet in the 21st century it is a precondition for spreading economic and politicalrights.
Democracies and multinationals (with Google vocally in the lead) have appointed themselveschampions of a “free and open” internet, despite a widening trust deficit with the publicexacerbated by the revelations of Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor turnedwhistleblower. They are working with experts and activists from around the world to promotewhat they call a “multi-stakeholder model” of internet governance and policy making. Here,business and “civil society” groups take a seat at the table on equal terms with governments tomake decisions about the future of the internet.
民主国家和跨国企业(谷歌态度鲜明地领头)自封为“自由且开放”互联网的倡导者,尽管美国国安局前合同工爱德华•斯诺登(Edward Snowden)的爆料加剧了日益严重的公众信任缺失。它们正与全球专家和活动人士合作,推广它们所称的互联网治理和政策制定的“多方利益相关者模式”。在这种模式下,企业和“公民社会”团体平等地与政府坐在一起,就互联网的未来做出决策。
China and Russia lead the camp asserting the sovereignty of governments. Both have madeclear that using the internet to organise political opposition is a threat to “national security”.China’s internet is in effect an “intranet” that connects with the global system only atcontrolled choke points. Iran is working to build a “halal” or “pure” internet. PresidentVladimir Putin’s Russia is moving in a similar direction.
中国和俄罗斯是坚持政府主权阵营的领头者。两国都明确表示,利用互联网组织政治反对活动是对“国家安全”的一种威胁。中国的互联网实际上是一种“内联网”,只是在受控的网络枢纽点与全球系统相连。伊朗正致力于建设一个“清真”的互联网。弗拉基米尔•普京(Vladimir Putin)主政的俄罗斯正朝着类似的方向前进。
If the “free and open” camp cannot do better to align words and deeds, it will lose. Furtherdamaging revelations will emerge as long as people have reason to suspect their rights toprivacy and freedom of expression are being violated.
For companies, the first step is to make public commitments to respect users’ rights, thenimplement those commitments in a transparent, accountable and independently verifiablemanner. A grouping of democracies including the US and the UK, known as the Freedom OnlineCoalition, should implement policies that support a free and open global internet. Theseencompass greater transparency about surveillance practices, with genuinely “effectivedomestic oversight”.
对于企业而言,第一步应当是公开承诺尊重用户权利,接下来是以一种透明、可问责和可独立核实的方式落实这些承诺。包括美国和英国在内的民主国家联盟(被称为自由在线联盟(Freedom Online Coalition))应当实施支持自由且开放的全球互联网的政策。这些政策包括利用真正“有效的国内监督”,提高监听实践的透明度。
本文关键字: 政府和企业的战斗将让互联网更开放
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