The SolSource went on sale there in May with a $399 price tag and is being snapped up by fansof green technology, survivalists and even mainstream grilling enthusiasts.
The unlikely export success is a boon for One Earth Designs, the Hong Kong company that DrPowers set up in 2009 with Mr Frank, who studied engineering at the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology.
SolSource在出口方面意外获得成功,对香港公司One Earth Designs是福音。2009年,鲍尔斯博士和曾在麻省理工学院(MIT)攻读工程学的弗兰克共同创建了这间公司。
The design of the zero-emission SolSource was finalised after dozens of prototypes were trialledin collaboration with nomad communities in China. It resembles a satellite dish and works bybouncing light off reflective panels on to the base of black cookware, creating heat.
“Our aim was to engineer a cooker that was powerful, portable, durable and safe to use,” saysDr Powers. “We knew we’d got it right when we went to collect the test models. The familiesdidn’t want to give them up and their neighbours all wanted one too.”
In late 2012 One Earth Designs received a substantial cash injection from two greentechnology-focused investors, Doen and Calvert, which enabled it to set up a production line.Since then 2,000 families in Qinghai have bought a SolSource and they report that the stovehas transformed their lives.
2012年底,两位关注绿色科技的投资者杜恩(Doen)和卡尔弗特(Calvert)向One Earth Designs注入了一大笔资金,令该公司得以设立一条生产线。此后青海省有2000个家庭购买了SolSource,他们反馈说这款炉具改变了他们的生活。
“We only intended to sell in China,” says Dr Powers, “but we started receiving requests fromall over the world.” Low-volume shipping costs were prohibitive so One Earth Designs raisedfunds via a Kickstarter campaign, filled three containers and sent them to differentdistribution hubs.
鲍尔斯博士说:“我们原本只打算在中国销售,但渐渐收到来自世界各地的购买请求。”由于小批量运输成本过高,One Earth Designs便通过Kickstarter众筹活动筹集了资金,装了3个集装箱,将货物送往了不同的配送中心。
Although China and the US are the only sizeable markets for the company so far, the Solsourcehas been bought by customers in 29 other countries. One Earth Designs has adopted a flexibledistribution and pricing strategy. “In each country we work with strong partners who knowthe local marketplace to determine the optimal price,” says Dr Powers.
虽然该公司至今只有中国和美国两个上规模的市场,但已有另外29个国家的消费者购买过Solsource的产品。One Earth Designs采取了灵活的配送和定价策略。鲍尔斯博士说:“我们在每个国家都有强大的合作伙伴,他们了解当地市场,能根据实际情况决定最优价格。”
本文关键字: Solsource无烟灶 灵感来自西藏
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