Today's nuclear reactors run on concentrations of 3 to 5 percent uranium 235, an enriched fuelthat leaves behind a pure, mostly natural waste, uranium 238. (A uranium bomb runs on morethan 90 percent uranium 235.) In today's reactors, some uranium 238 is converted toplutonium that is used as a small, supplemental fuel, but most of the plutonium is left behind aswaste.
In contrast, the TerraPower reactor makes more plutonium from the uranium 238 for use asfuel, and so would run almost entirely on uranium 238. It would need only a small amount ofuranium 235, which would function like lighter fluid getting a charcoal barbecue started.
The result, TerraPower's supporters hope, is that countries would not need to enrich uraniumin the quantities they do now, undercutting arguments that they have to have vast stores onhand for a civilian program. TerraPower's concept would also blunt the logic behind a secondroute to a bomb: recovering plutonium from spent reactor fuel, which is how most nuclearweapons are built. Since so much uranium 238 is available, there would be no reason to usethat plutonium, TerraPower says.
Countries that do not have nuclear weapons will still need lots of electricity, said John Gilleland,chief executive of TerraPower, and "we would like to see them build something that allows usto sleep at night."
没有核武的国家也是需要大量电力的,TerraPower的首席执行官约翰·吉尔兰德(John Gilleland)说,“我们希望他们造出来的东西不要让我们晚上睡不好觉。”
But no one disputes that this is a very long-term bet. Even optimists say it would take until atleast 2030 to commercialize the technology. What the competition would look like then —wind, solar, natural gas or some other technology — is not clear. If the idea can becommercialized, it is not even clear that TerraPower could do it first.
The engineers working for Mr. Gates acknowledge the enormous challenges but say they areconvinced that he, and they, are chasing the solution not only to energy and weaponsproliferation but also to climate change and poverty.
"If you could pick just one thing to lower the price of — to reduce poverty — by far you wouldpick energy," Mr. Gates said as he introduced the reactor idea in a speech in 2010. "Energy andclimate are extremely important to these people, in fact, more important to them than anyoneelse on the planet," he added, referring to killer floods, droughts and crop failures driven bycarbon dioxide given off in energy production. He illustrated his talk with a photo ofschoolchildren doing their homework under street lamps.
In Bellevue, TerraPower is a spinoff of Intellectual Ventures, a company co-founded by Mr.Myhrvold that focuses on inventing new products and techniques, among them improved seedsfor subsistence farmers and methods for keeping vaccines cold for weeks in places where thereis no electricity. But its critics call it a patent troll because it buys large portfolios of technologypatents and uses them, they say, to sue software designers, smartphone makers and others.
位于贝尔维尤的TerraPower是从高智发明(Intellectual Ventures)剥离出来的一家公司。梅尔沃德是高智发明的联合创始人,这家公司专注于新产品和新技术的发明,比如面向自给农民(subsistence farmer)的经过改良的种子,让疫苗在没有电的地方保持冷藏状态的方法等。但它被批评人士称为“专利蟑螂”,因为该公司购买了大量技术专利,并且用它们来起诉其他从事软件设计、智能手机制造等等业务的公司。
本文关键字: 比尔·盖茨的新梦想把核废料变燃料
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
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时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
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时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
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第十三届全国人民代表大会第二次会议(the second session of the 13th National People& 39;s Congress)5日上午在人民大会堂开