
2021-05-10 17:18:00来源:网络



  I. 【Sentence Translation参考答案及解析】

  1. The net increase in migration to Australia is actually good news, because it shows fewer Australians are emigrating and surely that’s a good thing, people are getting jobs here.

  2. The idea of psychology of clothing is, there is not only individual taste in our clothes, but also a thinking behind what we wear, which is something we may not even be aware of ourselves.

  3. The world title in distant running is dominated by runners from a small handful of countries. This year, runners from Kenya and Ethiopia will compete for the title.

  4. Early Friday morning, Canadian weather officials have issued a number of warnings as another winter storm is expected to bring severe weather to its Atlantic provinces again on Saturday and Sunday.

  5. The official figures released by the government last week showed that Germany’s GDP in the fourth quarter of 2013 was up 1.3% on the same period a year earlier.

  II. 【Passage Translation参考答案及解析】

  1. One of the consequences brought by urbanization is this: such large concentrations of people pose immense environmental problems. In Mexico City, for example, one quarter of the population has no access to running water and one in five houses is not connected to the sewage system. Located in the valley, the city suffers so badly from air population from motor vehicles that the city center must periodically be closed to traffic. Mexico City’s problems are replicated in most other large cities in the developing world, and to a less degree in the large cities in industrialized countries as well.

  2. By cardio vascular disease, I mean, heart attacks, strokes and so on. Males appear to be at much higher risk for cardio vascular disease than females. Obesity technically means at least 20% above ideal weight. Clearly this puts a person at risk for diabetes and high blood pressure. People who’ve had heart attacks younger in their lives typically are what’s called Type A personalities. You may have heard the term before, People who are perfectionists, easily angry, competitive, people who work very hard and play very hard. These people tend to be under more stress and therefore, under more of a risk for cardio vascular disease.

  本次考试听译部分的难度中规中矩,话题分布不外乎生活、心理、运动、灾难、经济、环境和健康。句子虽长,所幸并未出现难词,所涉及的数字只有三个---2013、 1.3%和20%。只要能理清逻辑关系,并且做到课上所强调的:“理解在先、笔记在后”,以及“脑记为主、笔记为辅”,便能从容应对。

  若在听译过程中出现个别一下子反应不过来的字词,比如段落第二段开篇的“cardio vascular disease”,也不能慌了阵脚,随即下文就用“I mean”进行了解释说明。通过之后的“heart attacks, strokes”(心脏病、中风),即能判断出之前被解释的“cardio vascular disease”为“心血管疾病”。同样,若“obesity”一词未反应过来,随即出现的“technically means”马上解释了“at least 20% above ideal weight”,通过“above ideal weight”即能判断出“obesity“为“肥胖、超重”。


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