Standing on the famous bund of shanghai and looking eastward across the huangpu river, one cannot but see clusters of magnificent high rise buildings in pudong, which used to be largely a rural area scattered with dilapidated old houses, fields of ways, puddles and pools. Viewing skyscrappers in pudong has become a tourist attraction for visitors in shanghai. But high rise buildings are not all that pudong has. What is more inspring is the immerging and modern industries that make use of advanced technology, state of the art equipment and the industrial value more than a quarter of that of the greater shanghai.
The last few years have seen a rapid up-grading of pudong’s industrial manufactures as a whole, best captures by the emmergence of six pillar industries: the auto making industry headed by shanghai General Motors joint venture manufacturing Buick cars, the electronics information industry led by sino-japanese joint venture producing super-large scale integrated circuits, the steel making industry with sino-german joint venture as its backbone producing stainless steel sheet, the petro-chemical and fine chemical industry centering around sino-german and sino-us joint ventures, the home electronical appliances industry represented by sino-japanese joint ventures and the bio-engineering and pharmaceutical industries developed jointly by local pharmaceutical manaufactures and a number of world reknowned pharmaceutical enterperises.
When senior representatives of GM of the united states, BASF of germany, and the Hitachi electric of japan talk about their investment in pudong, they all point to pudong’s geographical advantage, good investment environment and the high quality of local enterprises as pudong’s attractions for their respective firms in their global strategy. In a few years, along with the of international, so many first class and world’s industries have setted in pudong. At the same time, the sales service and after-sale service network of the investing internationals have extended to china. This is extension of global competition of markets.
Currently, among pudong’s 200 biggest joint ventures, not many have independent capabilities of designing and development. However, on the chinses side, about 200 deputy managers, 1000 managers, 3000 senior and intermedia level engineers and 30 thousand skilled workers have been learning on their job. This is the talent foundation for sustaining pudong’s industrial leading position. These industries and talents through and cooperation are expected to boost thousands of industries in the yangtse river valley as well as in other parts of the country in the production and sales for both domestic and international markets. By doing so, pudong will be a leadeand bridge to integrate china’s modern industry with the mainstream of world economy.
本文关键字: 上海高级口译
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