Cloudshave their peculiar flair and skill;
Theycan change their size and shape, as they will.
Starshave qualities more wonderful still;
Thehopes of their fellows, they can fulfill,
Inthose celestial regions, high above,
Aslinks for one star to approach her love,
Theyhelp “Lassie” to cross the Milky Way,
Tosee her “Laddie” once a year, this day.
Theirlove is like heavenly dew for gods to drink.
Tothe human level, it would never sink.
Onerendezvous between them is of more worth –
Thancountless such as we have on this, our earth.
Theirlove is constant, as water is, in its flow.
Theirlover’s meeting is short, as sweet dreams go.
Howshe bears the sight of Magpie Bridge without a tear,
WhichMarks their separation for another year!
Sincetheir affection is something that endure,
Mustthey bill and coo as daily renewer?
(徐忠杰 译)
Immortals at the Magpie Bridge
Cloudsfloat like works of art,
Starsshoot with grief at heart.
Acrossthe Milky Way the Cowherd meets the Maid.
WhenAutumn’s Golden Wind embraces Dew of Jade,
Allthe love scenes on earth, however many, fade.
Theirtender love flows like a stream;
Theirhappy date seems but a dream.
Howcan they bear a separate homeward way?
Iflove between both sides can last for aye,
Whyneed they stay together night and day?
(许渊冲 译)
Immortal at Magpie Bridge
Fineclouds float easy and free,
Shootingstars shine with sorrow.
Theyenjoy a secret date once a year over the far-off Milky Way.
Asfall wind hugs the chill dew,
Theyoutshine all worldly dates.
Theirtender love flows like a stream,
Theirnice date is but a fancy dream.
Howcan they bear to go each one’s way homeward?
Ifthe love for each other goes on as ever,
Whyneed they stay together day and night?
(黄新渠 译)
Que Qiao Xian
Thefleecy clouds affect patterns delicate;
Theflying stars communicate their grief e’er so deep,
Crossingthe expansive Milky Way they meet.
Alas!That single meet amid celestial winds and dews
Surpassescountless meets on earth.
Sweettenderness overflows their hearts,
Shortrendezvous passes like a dream:
Mournfullyshe contemplates her homeward way
Acrossthe magpie-bridge!
Yetif two hearts are ever steadfast,
Thoughparted, they are together
Nightand day!
(黄宏荃 译)
To the Melody
TheWeaving-Girl with skillful fingers is clever,
Asif gentle clouds were flying faster and faster.
Silentlythe Cowboy-Star crossed the Milky Way,
Forreleasing her grief on the Double-Seventh-Day*,
LikeGolden Wind and Jade Dew merged once again.
Nomeeting was happier than the couple’s reunion.
Theirwater-like tenderness was pretty warm,
Theirreunion date’s like a wonderful dream.
Weaving-Girland Cowboy were reluctant to be apart,
Thetwo heavenly stars knew true love would ever last,
Regardlessof their mutual separation day and night.
*Chinese Double-Seventh-Day is similar to the Valentine’s Day in the West.
(朱曼华 译)
Immortals on the Magpie Bridge*
Herlove into th’ clouds the Maid subtly weaves,
Andth’ shooting stars display how th’ Cowherd grieves.
Whendew falls the Milky Way sees their meeting rare.
However,no secular love can e’er compare
Withthe holy sentiments they for a time share.
Theirtender feeling is like a long stream;
Theirrendezvous’s like a transient dream.
Theymay not bear to part at th’ Magpie Bridge! But nay,
Solong as undying their affections will stay,
Whereatshould they be bound up every night and day?
*This tune name derives from the myth of the sincere love between the Cowboy (Niulang)and the Weaver (Zhinu), who are separated by the Heavenly Queen with the MilkyWay and allowed to meet only once in a year at the bridge built by the magpieswhich sympathize with them.
(卓振英 译)
Meeting across the Milky Way
(Tothe Tune of Queqiaoxian)
Throughthe varying shapes of the delicate clouds
thesad message of the shooting stars,
asilent journey across the Milky Way,
onemeeting of the Cowherd and Weaver*
amidstthe golden autumn wind and jade-glistening dew,
eclipsesthe countless meetings
inthe mundane world.
Thefeelings soft as water,
theecstatic moment unreal as a dream,
howcan one have the heart to go back
onthe bridge made of magpies?
Ifthe two hearts are united forever,
whydo the two persons need to stay
together– day after day,
nightafter night?
*According to a Chinese legend, two constellations, the Cowherd and Weaver,separated by the Milky Way, are allowed to meet across a bridge formed by themagpies once a year on the seventh day of the seventh month in the Chineselunar calendar.
(裘小龙 译)
Immortal at the Magpie Bridge
Fineclouds float and change,
Hundredsof clever shapes emerging.
Theflying stars transmit regret,
MilkyWay far away was secretly passed.
Duringthe time of jade dew and golden wind,
Oncethey meet,
Farbetter than man’s world, theirs must.
Tenderfeelings as water,
Nuptialday as dream,
Whowill be hardhearted enough,
Tosee her magpie bridge way home?
Iftwo hearts are permanent,
Howcould they care about,
Beingtogether from morning till night.
(林孔辉 译)
Tune:“Que Qiao Xian”
Cowherd and the Weaver
Fineclouds show their artistic faces.
Blinkingstars convey their grief in space.
Sodim and far to go across the Milky Way.
Meetingonce a year at a time of white
dewand autumn wind is far more touching
thanreunion on earth numerous times.
Theirfeelings are water-like tender;
theirspecial date once a year is like a dream.
Onthe magpie bridge, how can they bear
toturn homeward again?
Ifmutual love will be long and never die,
whyneed to be together day and night?
(张畅繁 译)
Colorfulfully clouds her weaving skills show,
Shootingstars convey their eternal woe; *
Acrossthe wide Milky Way to a tryst they go.
Theirmeeting on this golden autumn night is worth
Allyear’s love of a couple on earth.
Theirlove is as gentle as water of a stream,
Theirhappy reunion is like a sweet dream.
Howcould they leave the Bridge in moonbeam? **
But,if love is steadfast and true,
Absencemakes the heart fonder grow.
*In Chinese mythology, the two stars of Altair and Vega stand for Niulang (theCowherd) and Zhinü (the Weavergirl) respectively. The story about them wasoriginated during the Han Dynasty. The two beloved were separated by the HeavenRiver (the Milky Way) and could meet only once a year on the Bridge of Magpieon the seventh day of the seventh month of Chinese lunar calendar.
**The Bridge in moonbeam is related with Chinse mythology. On the seventh day ofthe seventh month of Chinse lunar calendar, the Chinese legend goes that allthe magpies in the world would take pity on the Cowherd and the Weavergirl andfly up into heaven to make a bridge (the Bridge of Magpie) on the Heaven River(the Milky Way) so that the two beloved may be together for a single nightevery year. Therefore, the connotation of the expression the Bridge of Magpieis anything that brings the beloved together, something like the Cupid’s Arrow.
(陈君朴、冯修文 译)
lines forthe que qiao xian melody
thesetransparent clouds so delicate and beautiful
themilky way so luminous a star vanishes in it
thatfalling star which carries regret like a messenger
forthe cowherd and the woman at the loom
altairand vega
thoselovers who can meet only once in a year
butfor them this is more wonderful
thanthe countless times
lovesin this world meet
theyare joined for one long perfected moment
theymerge into each other like slow running waters
theirhappy loving is the kindliest of dreams
ohthey have to know the sadness of looking back
asthey depart on their separate ways
travelingover the bridge of birds
butbecause what they feel shines in them forever
itsurely does not distress them
eachday and each night they cannot be together
(王守义、约翰·诺弗尔 译)
Immortal Lovers on Magpie Bridge
Withsubtlety delicate clouds sway,
Flyingstars their fierce love-feelings convey:
Thelovers stealthily cross the lengthy Milky Way.
Oncethe golden breeze and jade dews have encountered,
Countlesspairs in the human world are bettered.
Tenderfeelings like a stream,
Joyfultryst seems a dream,
Howcan they bear to look at the bridge of magpies
Theirparting way?
Shouldthe feelings of both eternal stay,
Whyneed to be with each other night ’n’ day?
(贺淯滨 译)
P’u – Ch’ü Ch’iao Hsien
(Tothe tune-title ‘Immortals of the Magpie Bridge’)
The Weaver-Girl and the Herd-Boy
Aslovely clouds contrive new patterns
Theseflying stars fulfil their yearnings,
Indarkness crossing the distant gulf of the Milky Way.
Whatthough they only meet in the Golden Wind and the Pearly Dew?
Theyare happier far than the countless people living on earth.
Hergentle heart is soft as water,
Theblissful hours flow like a dream.
Ofthe journey back by the Magpie Bridge can they bear a thought?
Whenfeelings stir in the hearts of lovers deeper than time’s abyss
Doesit matter how seldom they meet?
(Alan Ayling & Duncan Mackintosh译)
Tune: Queqiaoxian
Cloudsfloat like works of art,
Stars bring the grief of love.
Acrossthe Milky Way, the Cowherd meets the Maid.
Whenthe golden autumn’s wind encounters with dew of jade,
Theirmeeting is better than many times on earth.
Theirtender love flows like a stream,
Theirhappy date seems as sweet dreams.
Howshe bears the sight of Magpie Bridge without a tear!
Ifthe affection on both sides can endure,
Whyneed they stay together night and day?
(毛小雨 译)
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