
2022-11-04 07:59:00来源:网络















  “发声”在一般语境中大多译为air one’s views或make one’s voice heard,但在网络特别是社交媒体环境下,“发声”常通过发帖和发表评论的方式进行,因而在该语境中将其语义具体化,译为publish posts or comments;相应地,“看看”在一般语境中大多译为observe,但在社交媒体环境下,“看看”指读一读网民发的帖子或内容,因而在该语境中译为read posts。



  例1 互联网是一个社会信息大干台,亿万网民在上面获得信息、交流信息,这会对他们的求知途径、思维方式、价值观念产生重要影响,特别是会对他们对国家、对社会、对工作、对人生的看法产生重要影响。

  译1 The internet is a broad social platform where hundreds of millions of users obtain and exchange information, which has a profound influence on the way people acquire knowledge, on the way they think, and on their values and views, and especially the way people view their country, society, work and life.

  译2 As a broad social platform through which hundreds of millions of users obtain and exchange information, the internet has a profound influence on the way people acquire knowledge, on the way they think, and on their values and views. In particular, it influences the way people view their country, society, work and life.

  解析 原文的主干信息是“互联网有重要影响”,但译1将这部分信息放在了which引导的从句中,没有起到突出主干信息的作用。译2把“互联网是平台”这一常识性信息置于同位语的位置,以the internet has a profound influence作为主句,与主干信息要求相匹配。此外,译1将“特别是”后面的部分也作为并列宾语,显得宾语过长;译2以in particular另起一句,结构更为合理。(注意,especially不能像in particular那样放在句首引领一个句子。)

  例2 ……要学会通过网络与公众保持联系,经常上网,看看、聊聊天、发发声,了解公众所思所愿,收集好想法好建议,积极回应网民关切、解疑释惑。

  译1 ...must learn to stay in touch with the public through the internet. They should go online regularly, observe, chat, air their views, get to know what the people think and want, gather good ideas and suggestions, and actively answer their questions and address their concerns.

  译2 ...must learn to stay in touch with the public through the internet. They should go online regularly, reading posts, chatting and publishing posts or comments. In so doing they can get to know what the people think and want, gather good ideas and suggestions, and actively answer their questions and address their concerns.

  解析 “通过网络与公众保持联系”和“经常上网,看看、聊聊天、发发声,了解公众……”不是并列关系,而应理解为“经常上网,看看、聊聊天、发发声”是“通过网络与公众保持联系”的具体方式,而“了解公众……”是这样与公众保持联系的目的或结果。因此,译2将reading posts,chatting,publishing posts or comments作为主要动词go online的伴随状语,以in so doing指明上述做法拟达到的目的或将要取得的结果。

  例3 网民大多数是普通群众,来自各行各业,各自经历不同,观点和想法肯定是五花八门的,不能要求他们对所有问题都看得那么准、说得那么对。要多一些包容和耐心,对建设性意见要及时吸纳,对有困难的人要及时帮助……

  译1 The majority of netizens are ordinary people who come from different walks of life and have different life experiences and different views. We cannot expect them to be right about everything and correct in what they say. We should be more tolerant and patient, embrace constructive suggestions, and give prompt assistance to those who need help...

  译2 The majority of netizens are ordinary people who come from different walks of life and have different life experiences. Their views and opinions are sure to vary greatly, and we cannot expect them to be right about everything and correct in what they say. More tolerance and patience are therefore required. We need to embrace constructive suggestions and give prompt assistance to those who need help...

  解析 原文的逻辑链是“网民(由于行业、经历不同而)观点不同,(所以)不能过分要求他们,要对他们多包容,对建设性意见要采纳”。首先,网民“来自各行各业,各自经历不同”是其“观点和想法肯定是五花八门的”的背景原因,因此像译1那样把different views和different life experiences处理为并列关系是不妥的。译2将背景原因单独成句,并用are sure to再现“肯定是”的因果强化语气,更为有效。其次,“多一些包容和耐心”与“对建设性意见要及时吸纳”“对有困难的人要及时帮助”也不是并列关系,而应理解为后两者是“多一些包容和耐心”的具体表现,或者“多一些包容和耐心”是施行其后各类具体行为时应有的态度。因此,译2将More tolerance and patience are required作为总括句,并在其中添加关联词therefore明示与前文的因果关系,然后另起一句说明具体做法,这样比译1的并列处理更为合理。


  As a broad social platform through which hundreds of millions of users obtain and exchange information, the internet has a profound influence on the way people acquire knowledge, on the way they think, and on their values and views. In particular, it influences the way people view their country, society, work and life. Netizens are members of the general public. If they go online, so does public opinion. Party and government offices and their leading officials must learn to stay in touch with the public through the internet. They should go online regularly, reading posts, chatting and publishing posts or comments. In so doing they can get to know what the people think and want, gather good ideas and suggestions, and actively answer their questions and address their concerns. (15分)

  The majority of netizens are ordinary people who come from different walks of life and have different life experiences. Their views and opinions are sure to vary greatly, and we cannot expect them to be right about everything and correct in what they say. More tolerance and patience are therefore required. We need to embrace constructive suggestions, give prompt assistance to those who need help, provide necessary information to those who lack it, give clarifications to those who are confused about certain issues, promptly address the complaints people may have, and offer explanations when reading erroneous comments. (10分)


本文关键字: CATTI真题 CATTI
