1. introduce表示“介绍”时的意思是to tell two or more people who have not met before what each others’ names are(告诉两个或多个原来未曾见面的人他们彼此的名字),或者是to tell the audience the name of the person who is going to speak or perform(告诉观众讲演者或演员的名字),也就是说,introduce表示“介绍”时,主要用于介绍两个不认识的互相认识,或是向听众或观众宣布并介绍演讲者或广播、节目等的细节。如:
Allow me to introduce my wife. 让我介绍一下,这是我太太。
It is my pleasure to introduce tonight’s speaker. 我很荣幸来介绍今晚的演讲者。
2. 有时汉语中说“介绍”,其实是指“推荐”,此时应用recommend,而不能用introduce。如:
Can you recommend me a good novel? 你给我介绍一本好的小说行吗?
Jamie sought out all inexpensive boarding-house recommended to him by a sailor aboard ship. 杰米找到了一个便宜的供膳宿舍,那是船上一名水手向他介绍的。
3. 经常听到有的人在表示“介绍情况”“介绍某学校”“介绍某国家”“介绍某机构”等场合使用introduce,其实也是对introduce的误用。如:
误:The students in the class introduced their own countries to each other.
正:The students in the class told each other about their own countries.
误:Our friend from America will now introduce her research to us.
正:Our friend from America will now tell us about her research.
误:Shakespeare’s plays introduce to us a lot about contemporary life.
正:Shakespeare’s plays tell us a lot about contemporary life.
误:The accountant introduced his work to the sales staff.
正:The accountant described his work to the sales staff.
误:In tonight’s programme our focus is to introduce Germany.
正:In tonight’s programme our focus is on Germany.
4. 其后习惯上不带双宾语,要表示把某人介绍给另一人,可用introduce…to…这样的结构。如:
正:Let me introduce my friend to you.
误:Let me introduce you my friend.
汉语中说“作自我介绍”,英语用 introduce oneself。如:
Permit me to introduce myself. 请允许我介绍自己。
本文关键字: 动词的用法
课时 : 2 ¥19.9
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