2023年CATTI考试历年真题汇总 (133)

2023-07-24 08:27:00来源:网络

  CATTI考试,作为重要的翻译考试,也是比较有社会价值的英语能力证书。对于大家参加CATTI考试的同学,大家在实际的备考中,应该如何更好的来复习备考?为了让大家能够更全面的准备CATTI考试,新东方在线小编为大家整理了“2023年CATTI考试历年真题汇总 (133)”,让我们一起来学习备考吧!

  Passage Translation 1

  Spending your vacation in a foreign country is horrible. First, you have to start early and become increasingly anxious with each passing day. When everything is OK and you really set off,you may find yourself in a car for hours. It is hot and you’re thirsty. And finally when you arrive at your destination, you’re in a strange place with strange people around. You’re confused and lost. You may be a little curious or a little excited, but as a matter of fact, very, very tired.





  Passage Translation 2

  If your great grandparents were born in a rich country in the early 1900s, their lifespan would have been about 50. Today people in developed countries have a life expectancy of 80 or more. This is because the improvements of public health, such as running water and flushing toilets and then medical care. But these improvements have mostly benefited richer nations. There are still places in the world that don’t have clean water, enough food and enough doctors. So people there often suffer from famine and disease.




  本篇短文属于社会生活类。谈到了公共卫生与人的寿命之间的关系。其中有几处约定俗成的翻译,需要注意:life expectancy(寿命),running water(自来水),flushing toilets(冲水马桶、抽水马桶),medical care(医疗)。虽然结合日常生活经验,文章内容考生较为熟悉,但可能由于缺乏相关词汇的积累而译成文字的表面意思。这就再次提醒大家,口译需要准备时处处做个有心人,记录一切遇到的常用表达。

  以上就是新东方在线CATTI频道给大家整理的“2023年CATTI考试历年真题汇总 (133)”相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助,更多备考内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线CATTI频道。

本文关键字: CATTI真题 CATTI
