出场费 appearance fee (The British singer earns an enormous sum of money as he demands an appearance fee of £1000 for a single appearance. 这位英伦歌手收入不菲,他一次出场费就高达1000英镑。)
出风头 show off;in the limelight
出国热 craze for going abroad
出家 pravrajana; cloister
出境签证 exit visa
出境游 outbound tourism; outbound travel
出口创汇型产业 export-oriented industry
出口创汇型企业 foreign exchange-earning enterprise
出口创汇能力 capacity to earn foreign exchange through exports
出口管制 export control (Hi-tech export control is among the topics, including anti-protectionism and intellectual property rights, to be discussed between Chinese and US trade officials during Obama's visit, said Yao Jian, spokesperson for the Ministry of Commerce at a briefing yesterday in Beijing. 商务部发言人姚坚昨天在北京举行的吹风会上表示,奥巴马访华期间,中美商务官员的会晤议题包括(对华)高技术出口管制、反贸易保护主义、以及保护知识产权等。)
出口加工区 export processing zone; area for processing export products
出口卖方信贷 seller's credit on exports
出口退税机制 export tax rebate system
出口退税率 export rebate rate
出口退税制度 the system of refunding taxes on exported goods; export (tax) rebate
出口押汇 bill purchased (B/P); outward documentary bill
出口转内销 domestic sales of commodities originally produced for exports
处理存货 sell-off
处理价格 bargain price; reduced price
处理品 items for disposal
出笼 release a bad publication, plan, etc.
触摸屏 touchscreen
出难题偏题 raise out-of-the-way and catchy questions
处女作 maiden work (In 1994, he got a bank loan for his maiden work. 他1994年为自己的处女作拿到了一笔银行贷款。)
出气筒 punching bag
出勤率 attendance rate
出入平安 Safe trip wherever you go
除"四害" eliminate the four pests---rats, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes
出台 unveil fresh policy
出线资格 finals berth (Ecuador had to win their home game knowing it would be difficult to beat a confident Chile side who secured their finals berth with an impressive 4-2 away win over Colombia, joining the already qualified Brazil and Paraguay. 厄瓜多尔必须在这场主场比赛中获胜,并深知击败自信的智利队困难重重。智利队在之前以精彩的4比2的比分客场战胜哥伦比亚队,已取得出线资格。此前获得出线资格的(南美球队)还有巴西和巴拉圭。)
除烟叶外,取消农业特产税 all taxes on special agricultural products will be repealed except for tobacco
储运 storage and transport
出租业务 leasing
传媒 media
传染病防治法 law on the prevention and control of infectious diseases
传染性疾病 communicable disease
穿梭外交 shuttle diplomacy
传统产业 conventional industries
船务公司 shipping service company
传销 pyramid-selling; multi-level marketing
穿小鞋 make it hot for; make trouble for
穿新鞋走老路 wearing new shoes to walk on the old path; change in form but not in content; put old wine in new wineskins
穿针引线 act as go-between
穿帮 goof, mistake (Incorrectly regarded as goofs: Gimli attempts to smash the ring with an axe which is completely destroyed, breaking into several pieces. In the next shot the pieces are missing and, when he pledges his axe to Frodo several minutes later, the axe is suddenly intact. In fact, he snatches the axe of the dwarf next to him to attack the ring.)
创建卫生城市 build an advanced clean city
窗口行业 service trade
创利 generate profit
创业板 Growth Enterprise Board (Investors can apply to open accounts to trade stocks on the Growth Enterprise Board beginning on Wednesday. 创业板开户报名工作15日开始启动。)
创业精神 enterprising spirit; pioneering spirit
创业者 start-up
创业园 high-tech business incubator; pioneer park
创意 new idea or concept
创新型国家 innovation-oriented country
创作型歌手 singer-composer
传染病 communicable disease; infectious disease
(歌手的)出道歌曲 first / debut single
垂直管理 vertical management
垂直贸易 vertical trade
吹风会 (advanced) briefing
出境游客 outbound tourist
出口信贷 export credit
纯净水 purified water
春困 spring fever (Drinking tea is a good way to prevent spring fever.喝茶是预防春困的好办法。)
春运 (passenger ) transport during the Spring Festival
春蕾计划 Spring Buds Program
《春秋》 Spring and Autumn Annals
春运 (passenger) transport during the Spring Festival
处世之道 philosophy of life
初为人母 first-time mother; new mother
次大陆 subcontinent
磁卡电话 magnetic card telephone
慈善餐会 giveaway buffet (L.A. launches annual Thanksgiving giveaway buffet—Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa hosted the city's annual Thanksgiving giveaway Tuesday as similar charity events took place throughout the city, two days ahead of the official holiday. 洛杉矶举办一年一度的感恩节慈善餐会——洛杉矶市长安东尼奥?维拉莱果萨本周二主持了该市一年一度的感恩节慈善餐会,类似的慈善活动在距离感恩节正式到来还有两天的时候就在全城开展起来了。)
此地无银三百两 A guilty person gives himself away by consciously protesting his innocence.
次级抵押贷款 subprime mortgage
辞旧迎新 bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new; ring out the old year and ring in the new
次级债券 subordinated bond
次区域合作 sub-regional cooperation
次生地质灾害 secondary geological disaster
次新股 sub-new stock
磁悬浮列车 Maglev train (magnetically levitated train), magnetic suspension train
从零开始 start from scratch
从群众中来,到群众中去 from the masses, to the masses
从众心理 group psychology
从众行为 the behavior of blindly conforming to the norm
从粗放经济转变为集约经济 shift from extensive economy to intensive economy
凑份子 club together
粗放经营 extensive management
粗放型 extensive form
粗加工产品 rough-wrought product
促进对外贸易多元化 diversify our trading partners; promote the diversification of foreign trade
促进经济发展和社会全面进步 promote economic development and social progress in an all-around way
促进区域协调发展 promoting the coordinated development of all regions
促销 promote sales; promotion
粗放经营 extensive operation
粗放式管理 extensive management
催泪弹 tear gas
促进全球经济一体化 foster integration with the global economy
促进文化市场健康发展 facilitate the sound development of the markets for cultural products
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 21:15 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 44:09 主讲 : 徐宸
时长 : 29:45 主讲 : 乔迪
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
时长 : 18:37 主讲 : 孔令金
来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:10:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-14 08:09:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-13 08:10:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-13 08:09:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-10 08:10:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-10 08:09:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-09 08:10:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-09 08:09:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-08 08:10:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题
来源 : 网络 2024-05-08 08:09:00 关键字 : CATTI历年真题