
2023-08-25 08:01:00来源:网络


  地方保护主义 regional protectionism

  地方财政包干制 system where local authorities take full responsibility for their finances

  地方财政 finance of local administration; local public finance; local finance

  地沟油 swill-cooked dirty oil (The "illegal cooking oil" is usually made from discarded kitchen waste that has been refined, the report said, adding that the oil, which contains a highly toxic and carcinogenic substance called "aflatoxin", can cause cancer. 该报告称,“地沟油”通常使用餐厨垃圾提炼而成,成分中含有的黄曲霉素毒性很强,可致癌。)

  低谷 all-time low; at a low ebb

  低级市 prefecture-level city

  地级市 prefecture-level city

  低价住房 low-cost housing

  抵抗全球经济衰退 combat the global economic slump

  低空飞行 low-altitude flying

  底夸克 bottom quark

  第六感觉 the sixth sense

  抵免 offset

  地面塌陷 earth's surface sinking (More than 10 cases of the earth's surface sinking have been reported in the Jinshazhou housing estate since construction of the Guangzhou-Wuhan express railway began. 自武广高速铁路开工建设以来,金沙洲住宅区已上报十余起地面塌陷事故。)

  地勤人员 ground crew

  地球村 global village

  地球末日 geocide

  地球日 Earth Day (April 22)

  地球资源卫星 earth resources satellite

  地区霸权主义 regional hegemonism

  地区差异 regional disparity

  地热资源 geothermal resources

  滴入式经济 trickle-down economy

  第三产业 tertiary industry; service sector

  第三代移动电话(3G手机) third-generation mobile; 3G mobile

  地市级城市 prefecture-level city

  低水平重复建设 low-level redundant development

  第四产业 the fourth industry

  迪斯尼乐园 Disney Land

  地下出版物 underground publications

  地下核试验 underground nuclear test

  地下经济 underground economy

  地下钱庄 illegal private bank

  地效飞机 land-effect plane

  第一发球权 first inning

  第一发球员 first server

  第一轮投票 first round of voting

  第一生产力 primary productive force

  第一手材料 material at first hand; first-hand material

  第一双打 first pair

  地震 earthquake, quake

  地震棚 earthquake shelter-tents (used as emergency shelter after an earthquake)

  点播 request the broadcasting (or telecasting)

  点播节目 phone-in program

  电大 college courses broadcast on television

  垫付 "advancement, payment on account"

  电话号码升位 upgrade telephone number

  电话会议 teleconference

  电话会议呼叫 Conference calling

  电话勒索 telephone extortionist. (Many Chinese-American business owners in California have been targeted by a telephone extortionist. 加州爆发专门针对华人商铺的电话勒索潮。)

  电话留言机 answering machine

  电老虎 electricity guzzler; big power consumer

  点面结合 integrate point and sphere

  点名册 roll book

  电脑病毒 computer virus

  电脑犯罪 computer crime

  电脑校对机 electronic-brain collator

  电脑空间 cyberspace

  电脑聊天 cyberchat

  电脑盲 computer illiterate

  电脑迷 mouse potato

  点球 penalty kick

  电视电影 made-for-television movie (A total of 28 Primetime Emmy Awards, especially those involving made-for-television movies and miniseries that were previously excluded from the live broadcast, will be presented live by CBS television during the Sept. 20 event, according to a report on the Dailynews website. 《每日新闻》网站报道称,美国哥伦比亚电视台将于9月20日现场直播黄金时段节目艾美奖颁奖典礼。艾美奖所有28个奖项都将现场直播,其中还包括原本不在此列的电视电影奖和电视系列短剧奖。)

  电视发射台 television transmitting station

  电视会议 video conference

  电视迷 couch potato

  电视网 television network

  电视真人秀 television reality shows (Television reality shows are losing their audience appeal in China, according to a market research.一项市场调查表明,在中国,电视真人秀逐渐失去了对观众的吸引力。)

  电视直销 TV home shopping

  电信运营商 telecom operators

  电信诈骗 e-crime (A crackdown on "e-crime" has revealed gangs are having the greatest success among older people and women, an official from the Ministry of Public Security said Monday. 周一,公安部通报打击电信诈骗犯罪专项行动阶段成果,其中显示受害者多为中老年人和女性。)

  电影展映 film panorama (The French Film Panorama is coming back to China in April with an extended program and the largest ever artist delegation. 法国电影展映将于四月份再度在中国举行,此次影展还会有其它形式的表演项目,到访的艺术家代表团也是有史以来规模最大的。)

  电源电网 power generating facilities and power grids

  电子报刊 electronic press

  电子宠物 electronic pet

  电子出版 electronic publishing

  电子词典 electronic dictionary

  电子耳 electronic ears

  点子公司 consulting company

  电子公告牌 Bulletin Board System (BBS)

  电子货币 electronic currency; electronic money

  电子商务认证 e-business certification

  电子商务平台 e-commerce platform

  电子商务 electronic commerce; e-business; e-commerce

  电子数据交换业务 electronic data interchange service

  电子物流配送 e-distribution

  电子银行 electronic bank

  电子邮件 e-mail

  电子阅读器 e-book reader (Chinese hi-tech firm Hanwang Technology said it expected shipments of its e-book readers to increase 400 percent this year, as demand for the portable reading device grows both domestically and overseas. 中国高科技公司汉王科技公司表示,由于国内外对电子阅读器的需求量都在增加,他们预计今年该公司电子阅读器的发运量将增长400%。)

  点击量 pageview

  电视电话会议 videophone conference

  电视/广播广告 spot ad (Spot ads are the most expensive and usually the most effective. )

  点心 dim sum

  电子客票 e-ticket

  电子眼 road camera (Traffic police have to put up signs telling drivers where road cameras have been installed. 公安部新修订的道路安全规定要求交通部门公布电子眼设置的地点。)

  电子游戏,电玩 video game (Doctors who spend at least 3 hours a week playing video games make about 37% fewer mistakes in laparoscopic surgery and perform the task 27% faster than their counterparts who don't, according to a US study. Researchers said playing video games can improve doctors' hand-eye coordination and agility. 美国一项最新研究显示,如果医生每周至少玩3小时电子游戏,他们做腹腔镜手术出错率将减少37%,而且速度也能提高27%。研究人员称,玩电子游戏可以提高医生的手眼协调能力,并增加手指的灵活度。)

  电子政务 e-government


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