NASA Continues Mars Helicopter Experiments, Tests New Design on Earth

2023-12-04 16:29:34来源:网络

NASA Continues Mars Helicopter Experiments, Tests New Design on Earth




  By Bryan Lynn

  03 December 2023

  As the American space agency NASA continues to carry out tests of its Ingenuity helicopter on Mars, it is also testing a future aircraft design on Earth.

  NASA's Ingenuity has been making test flights on the Red Planet for the past two-and-a-half years. The experimental helicopter arrived on Mars along with NASA's Perseverance explorer, or rover, in February 2021.

  Both the rover and helicopter have been collecting images and data as they explore an area known as Jezero Crater. The goal of the exploration effort is to search for signs of ancient life on Mars.

  Ingenuity made history on Mars

  Ingenuity made history in April 2021 by becoming the first aircraft to complete a powered, controlled flight on another planet. NASA officials have said the helicopter has performed far above expectations. Agency engineers planned on Ingenuity completing just five experimental flights on Mars. But the helicopter has so far performed 66 flights. It has provided NASA with valuable data on building future aircraft to fly in space.

  Travis Brown is Ingenuity's chief engineer at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in California. He said in a statement that with nearly every flight, the helicopter has progressed in new ways. Brown noted that over the past nine months, Ingenuity had doubled its top speed and height records. In addition, the aircraft's operating speed and landings improved.

  Most Ingenuity flights only last two to three minutes. This is because the helicopter has energy and temperature limitations.

  NASA engineers say they have also been careful not to try to fly Ingenuity too fast because this can cause problems with its navigation system. The helicopter uses a camera to identify rocks and other things on the surface as it travels. If the aircraft goes too fast, it might not be able to navigate the best way forward.

  Controllers on the ground have said that to help with this issue, they have sent commands to Ingenuity to fly at higher levels. This way the aircraft has less chance of losing its way because surface objects stay in view longer.

  NASA says Ingenuity established a new height record, on flight 61, of 24 meters as it examined Martian wind conditions. On flight 62, the helicopter set a new speed record of 10 meters per second. During this flight Ingenuity also identified a new place for the Perseverance rover to carry out science experiments.

  Testing new helicopter design on Earth

  As that testing continues on Mars, teams on the ground have been experimenting with new rotor blades. These could be used in the future with a new generation of Mars helicopters. During the tests, engineers reported the rotor blades had reached speeds nearly equal to Mach 1, the speed of sound.

  The blades tested on Earth are made of carbon material and are more than 10 centimeters longer than Ingenuity's. The blades were designed to be both faster and stronger. NASA has said such rotor blades should be able to support bigger, more complex helicopters. The team said in a statement the helicopter design must reach the right balance. If the blades spin too fast, this causes control issues that can increase the risk of crashes.

  The Earth-based tests were carried out in September inside a space simulator at NASA's JPL. For these experiments, the simulator aimed to establish a Mars-like environment. The team was measuring tests of the rotor blades with sensors, cameras and other equipment. Many different speeds were tested and the blades were repeatedly repositioned to observe the best results.

  "We spun our blades up to 3,500 rpm, which is 750 revolutions per minute faster than the Ingenuity blades have gone," said Tyler Del Sesto, a leader of the JPL testing. "These more efficient blades are now more than a hypothetical exercise. They are ready to fly," he added.

  I'm Bryan Lynn.

  Bryan Lynn wrote this story for VOA Learning English, based on reports from NASA.


  由Bryan Lynn撰写,




  漫游车和直升机一直在收集图像和数据,探索被称为Jezero Crater的区域。探索的目标是寻找火星上古老生命的迹象。



  Travis Brown是NASA喷气推进实验室(JPL)在加利福尼亚的Ingenuity的首席工程师。他在一份声明中表示,几乎每次飞行,直升机都有新的进步。Brown指出,在过去的九个月里,Ingenuity的最高速度和高度记录翻了一番。此外,飞机的操作速度和着陆也有所改善。









  喷气推进实验室测试的负责人Tyler Del Sesto说:“我们将我们的叶片旋转速度提高到了每分钟3500转,这比Ingenuity的叶片快了750转。”他补充说:“这些更高效的叶片现在不再只是一个假设的练习。它们已经准备好飞行了。”

  我是Bryan Lynn。

  Bryan Lynn根据NASA的报告,为VOA学习英语写了这个故事。



  navigate – v. 使用地图或其他设备找到正确的旅行方向

  rotor blade – n.旋转以使飞机起飞和行驶的薄、平的材料片

  simulator – n.一种机器,用于练习操作车辆或设备,而无需实际使用这些东西

  efficient – adj. 工作良好,不浪费时间或能源

  hypothetical – adj. 情况或想法已经被提出,但尚未真正存在或尚未被证明为真实




