Forest Service Moving Trees to Save Them

2024-01-06 10:07:00来源:网络

Forest Service Moving Trees to Save Them




  By Dan Friedell

  04 January 2024

  Some important tree species native to the northwestern states in the U.S. are no longer growing well because of climate change.

  As conditions change in states such as Washington, Oregon and California, trees such as the Douglas fir, Western red cedar, giant sequoia and redwood may need to move -- with the help of humans.

  Some of the trees do not do well when temperatures rise. Others suffer during times of drought. The goal is to move the trees to areas where the climate might more suitable.

  Forest scientists are generally in favor of moving the trees so they do not die out. However, not all of the scientists agree on the best way to do it.

  There are three ways to move trees: assisted population migration, assisted species migration and range expansion.

  Assisted population migration involves scientists moving a tree's seeds within its current growing range. Assisted species migration involves scientists moving a species far from its existing area. In this case, that would include moving redwoods and sequoias from California to Washington.

  The third way, range expansion, moves trees just outside their current growing range. Each way has different results for the trees and other animals and insects that depend on the trees.

  Michael Case is a forest ecologist at the Nature Conservancy in Virginia. He said "there is a huge difference" among the different migration methods.

  He said the risk of failure increases "whenever you plant something in an area where it is not locally found." He said the risk is not only to the trees. There is also the risk of causing problems in the ecosystem.

  Case is working on an assisted population migration program with Douglas fir and Western hemlock trees. He is testing whether the trees, originally from drier parts of the northwest, can do well in western Washington where there is a drought. His organization believes that assisted population migration has fewer risks.

  The U.S. Forest Service also takes part in assisted population migration programs. Dr. David Lytle is the agency's deputy chief for research and development. He said the agency is "very very cautious" about moving plants outside of their "historic range."

  Douglas Tallamy is a professor of entomology and wildlife ecology at the University of Delaware. He said one worry about species migration is that local caterpillars might not eat the leaves of trees that are new to the area. The caterpillars serve as food for birds and other animals, so they must have a good food source.

  Although the concerns are documented, the city of Portland, Oregon, is working on a species migration project for 11 tree species. The project includes three oak trees: California black oak, canyon live oak and interior live oak. Tallamy said oak trees are among the most important in North America. "When you move them out of range," he said, "the things that are adapted to eating them no longer have access to them."

  The city responded to questions from the Associated Press, and said it is using guidelines "from universities, state and federal sources" and more, in its project.

  Another group working on species migration projects in the northwest is called PropagationNation. To propagate means to produce a new plant through the use of seeds or parts of another plant.

  That organization is planting non-local trees around the Seattle, Washington area in hopes that they will start growing in places where Western red cedar, Western hemlock and big leaf maple are having trouble.

  David Milarch is the leader of a group in Michigan that supports keeping old trees alive. It is called Archangel Ancient Tree Archive. Milarch said the hope is to permit redwoods and sequoias to grow in areas to the north. The hope is not to replace native trees.

  He said his group hopes the trees "will still be here in 100 to 200 years and not join the list of trees that are going extinct."

  The organizations that are not practicing widely accepted methods for moving species feel like the risks are worth it.

  But Robert Slesak is not sure about either practice. He oversees population migration sites run by the U.S. Forest Service in California, Oregon and Washington.

  He said he has concerns about assisted species migrations and assisted population migrations that lack experimental rigor. Rigor describes an activity that has been tested with high standards.

  He said all of the ideas about how to move trees should follow experiments that have already produced strong results.

  "Everyone knows we need to do some kind of action related to climate, but there's a real risk of making it worse."

  I'm Dan Friedell.

  Dan Friedell adapted this story for Learning English based on a report by the Associated Press.


  作者:Dan Friedell



  随着华盛顿、俄勒冈和加利福尼亚等州的环境条件发生变化,道格拉斯冷杉、西部红雪松、巨型红杉和红木等树种可能需要移栽 -- 这需要人类的帮助。






  Michael Case是弗吁尼亚州自然保护协会的森林生态学家。他表示,不同的迁移方法之间存在“巨大的差异”。



  美国森林服务局也参与辅助种群迁移项目。David Lytle博士是该机构的研究和开发副主任。他说,该机构对于将植物移出其“历史范围”是“非常非常谨慎”的。

  Douglas Tallamy是特拉华大学昆虫学和野生生态学教授。他说,关于物种迁移的一个担忧是,当地的毛虫可能不会吃新来的树木的叶子。毛虫为鸟类和其他动物提供食物,因此它们必须有良好的食物来源。





  David Milarch是密歇根州一个支持保护老树的团体的领导者,该团体名为Archangel Ancient Tree Archive。Milarch说,他们希望让红杉和巨杉能在北部地区生长,但并不是要取代本地树木。



  但是,Robert Slesak对这两种做法都不确定。他负责监督由美国森林服务局在加利福尼亚、俄勒冈和华盛顿运营的种群迁移站点。




  我是Dan Friedell。

  Dan Friedell根据美联社的报道为英语学习改编了这个故事。



  drought –n. 一段干燥的天气期

  suitable –adj. 舒适或正确

  migration –n. 某物到新地方的移动

  range –n. 植物或树木(在这种情况下)通常覆盖的土地面积

  ecologist –n.研究生物和其环境的人

  locally –adj. 某物最初发现的小区域

  cautious –adj. 小心或关心

  adapted –adj. 已经改变并在新地方运作的东西

  respond –v.回答

  replace –v.将新的东西放在某物的位置

  to go extinct –v. 消亡

  rigor –n. 精确、小心或严格的品质

