​X Blocks Taylor Swift Search after ‘Deepfake’ Image Spread

2024-02-06 15:58:00来源:网络

X Blocks Taylor Swift Search after ‘Deepfake’ Image Spread



  By Gregory Stachel

  29 January 2024

  The social media site X has blocked some searches for Taylor Swift in reaction to an online spread of pornographic deepfake images of the singer.

  A "deepfake" is an image, sound recording, or video created to make it appear that people in it are saying or doing things that they did not say or do.

  Attempts to search for her name without quotation marks on the site Monday resulted in a failure message. It asked users to retry their search. "Don't fret — it's not your fault," also appeared.

  However, putting quotation marks around her name permitted posts to show where her name appeared.

  The images of Swift began spreading widely on X last week. She is now the most famous victim of a danger that technology companies and anti-abuse groups have struggled to fix.

  "This is a temporary action and done with an abundance of caution as we prioritize safety on this issue," Joe Benarroch, head of business operations at X, said in a statement.

  After the images began spreading, the singer's loyal fan base, called "Swifties," quickly came to her defense. They launched a protective movement and flooded the site with more positive images of the singer. They used the hashtag #ProtectTaylorSwift on their posts. Some said they were reporting accounts that were sharing the deepfakes.

  The deepfake-search group Reality Defender said it followed many posts of pornographic material of Swift. Many of the posts were found on X, formerly known as Twitter. Some images also made their way to Facebook and other social media sites.

  The researchers found at least 20 different images created by artificial intelligence (AI).

  Researchers have said the number of pornographic deepfakes has grown in the past few years. The increase continues as the technology used to produce such images has become more available and easier to use.

  In 2019, a report released by the AI company DeepTrace Labs showed these images were mainly weaponized against women. Most of the victims, it said, were Hollywood actors and South Korean singers.

  I'm Jill Robbins.

  The Associated Press reported this story. Gregory Stachel adapted it for VOA Learning English.


  作者:Gregory Stachel







  X网站的业务运营负责人Joe Benarroch在一份声明中说:"这是一项临时行动,我们在这个问题上优先考虑安全,因此采取了极度谨慎的态度。"


  深度伪造搜索团队Reality Defender表示,他们跟踪了许多关于斯威夫特的淫秽材料的帖子。许多帖子都在X网站上找到,这个网站以前被称为Twitter。一些图片也传到了Facebook和其他社交媒体网站。



  2019年,AI公司DeepTrace Labs发布的一份报告显示,这些图片主要被用来针对女性。报告称,大多数受害者是好莱坞演员和韩国歌手。

  我是Jill Robbins。

  这个故事是由美联社报道的。Gregory Stachel为VOA学习英语改编了它。



  pornographic – adj. 以非常开放和直接的方式展示或描述裸体人物或性行为,以引起性兴奋

  quotation mark – n. 一对用来标示引语开始和结束的标点符号" "或‘ ',用来显示某物是标题,显示一个词或短语正在以特殊方式使用等。

  fret - v. 担心或关心

  abundance – n. 大量的东西:丰富的某物

  caution – n. 对危险的小心翼翼

  prioritize – v.组织(事物)以便最重要的事情先做或先处理

