面试英语口语常见话题:十大奇葩面试问题 你要怎么回答?

2024-02-20 18:16:00来源:网络

  在面试过程中,经常会遇到英语面试的场景。对于求职的人来说,提前准备一些面试英语常用的口语内容,可以帮助大家在真正的面试中,有更好地发挥。那么比较常见的这些面试英语都有哪些呢?为了让大家更有针对性的进行练习,小编为大家整理了“面试英语口语常见话题:十大奇葩面试问题 你要怎么回答?”详细的内容。

  You've researched the company, updated your CV and even stalked the CEO on

  Facebook - and then they go and ask you a question about traffic lights.


  In order to scout out the top talent, businesses are now throwing curveball

  questions during the interview process. Asking about seemingly unrelated topics

  can help give a company a wider snapshot into the person and their life.


  Penny de Valk Managing Director of people management business,told FEMAIL:

  'Curveball questions can be used to put people on the spot and see how they

  react under pressure.


  And how candidates answer these questions can provide the interviewer with

  a bit of insight into how their mind works.


  Business brains, recruiters and top career experts from around the country

  have put together the most bizarre questions that have been asked in real

  interviews - and how to handle them if one is thrown your way.


  How many traffic lights are there in London?


  This is essentially a brainteaser to test how you would think through tough

  questions, said James Reed, author of Why You? 101 Interview Questions You’ll

  Never Fear Again.


  Reassure yourself that no one is going to have the correct answer to the

  question. It is highly impossible unless you have a comprehensive knowledge of

  UK traffic lights.


  Take a breath to gather your thoughts and respond with: "I couldn’t give

  you an exact number, obviously, but I could make a guess by trying to estimate

  the number of traffic lights in a square mile based on my personal experience

  and then taking a shot at the total size of London in square miles".’


  How would you interject a fight between Batman and Superman?


  Lee Biggins, founder of CV-Library, said this super hero question may be

  asked in order to demonstrate how the candidate handles conflict.


  “Try to keep it relevant to the job role – you’re not being asked how you

  would handle ascuffle in the pub on a Friday night,” he said. 'Focus on the

  positive attributes of both parties and how you could encourage them to work

  well together.'


  What can you make from this piece of paper?


  “This is an opportunity for the interviewer to see how creative you are,

  whilst working under pressure,” said Penny de Valk. “If you manage to make an

  origami swan, fantastic! If, like most, you don’t have such skills – it’s the

  chance to see what you can create on the spot."


  "If you’re applying for a role where one of your main responsibilities is

  writing, for example a journalist, then you could say that you could make a

  multitude of stories from that one piece of paper without the help of



  "It’s better to do this than spend half an hour folding it into intricate

  shapes and feeling totally out of your comfort zone."


  If we shrunk you to the size of a pencil and put you in a blender, how

  would you try to get out?


  Careers writer Paul MacKenzie-Cummins said this question is designed to

  reveal whether a candidate is flustered by unexpected problems.


  "Candidates should bear in mind that there is no right or wrong answer to

  this – it’s all down to interpretation," he said. "However, candidates should

  try to answer the question as best as possible, as this reveals that they are

  willing to solve an issue they are unfamiliar with."


  What colour is your brain?


  "Colours are commonly linked to describing a person’s mood," said James

  Reed. "The interviewee is trying to gage how you work and whether your

  personality would fit in well with their working environment.'


  He added: 'There are some dependable colours that represent positive

  attributes, but always stay loyal to who you are. If you are a passionate

  person, for example red, then be honest by saying that, always making sure that

  whatever colour you pick is described with positive undertones throughout.'


  以上就是为大家整理的“面试英语口语常见话题:十大奇葩面试问题 你要怎么回答?”相关内容,更多面试英语口语精彩内容,请关注本频道的持续更新!

本文关键字: 面试英语口语



