
2024-10-18 21:24:00来源:网络


  Narrator: 欢迎回到白领英语系列(节目),Anna 和 Tom 两人可真不走运。他们和重要的客户成功的进行了洽谈,正准备回英国,结果到了机场才知道他们的航班被取消了。这可怎么办啊。

  Tom: Right, they've rebooked us onto the next flight, which is at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning.

  Anna: Tomorrow morning! What are we going to do until then?

  Tom: It's OK Anna, calm down. I've sorted out a hotel… quite a nice one actually.

  Anna: But what about our new contract? I've got to sort it out!

  Tom: Anna, take a deep breath… it'll be OK. Let's go and get a drink and we'll work things out.

  Narrator: Anna, Tom 这次可能没说错。 先休息一下吧,感受一下法国风情。 你们今天表现都很不错,不过别忘了通知你的老板 Paul 发生了些什么事情,keep him in the picture.

  Anna: In the picture? I didn't take any photos.

  Narrator: No Anna! 没让你给 Paul 照相。我的意思是你得让他知道工作进展情况。毕竟他可是老板啊。

  Anna: OK. I will.

  In a bar…

  Tom: Yeah, this one looks quite cosy. I'll order us a beer shall I?

  Anna: I'd prefer an orange juice please.

  Tom: Oh really? OK then. (Trying to speak French) Err, Garcon. Je m'appelle un beer et citron juice thing. Au revoir!

  Anna: No Tom! Pardon, je voudrais une grande biere et du juice d'orange s'il vous plait.

  Waiter: Oui Madame.

  Tom: Well, she likes you! Well, everyone likes you Anna. I like you because…

  Anna: I like you too Tom but don't you think I should call Paul and update him on what's going on… keep him in the picture?

  Tom: I dunno. Let's just enjoy this moment shall we? And besides, he'll be at his biscuit appreciation class by now.

  Anna: No. I would be happier just to call him. Could I borrow your mobile phone please, my battery has run out.

  Tom: Yeah sure. You'll find his number under Attila the Hun.

  Anna: Attila the Hun?

  Tom: Just my little joke!

  Anna: Cheeky! But hold on… what am I going to say to him?

  Narrator: 千万别乱起外号!想好了再给他打电话。

  首先通报一下好消息,你们谈判成功,合约也签好了。It's good news, I have closed the deal and the contract is signed.

  接下来我们需要尽快把订单做好。We need to proceed with the order as quickly as possible.

  还有我有决心一定要准时把订单送到客户那里。I'm committed to getting the order delivered on time.

  不过需要公司的配合。I might need some help.

  Anna: OK I will. It's ringing…

  Paul: Hello?

  Anna: Hi Paul. It's Anna. I've got some good news!

  Paul: Hold on (finishes eating biscuit) Sorry, I'm just munching some new crumbly cream biscuits. Now, what's this good news? Is it about the contract?

  Anna: Yes! I've closed the deal with Fruit Traders International and the contract is signed.

  Paul: Excellent news.

  Anna: To keep them happy, we need to proceed with the order as quickly as possible.

  Paul: Of course, of course. So what are you planning to do?

  Anna: Well, obviously, I'm committed to getting the order delivered on time but I might need some help. I wonder if Tom could…

  Paul: Yes, Tom can help you. Denise tells me you have a… special chemistry! Actually, where is Tom now? Is he home yet?

  Anna: He's not. Actually Paul, Tom and I are going to stay in a hotel tonight. Hello, hello. Oh, I've lost the signal, he's gone.

  Tom: Never mind Anna. I think he got the message. Another drink?

  Narrator: 希望 Paul 没听错 Anna 说的话!可别乱猜!不过 Anna 已经成功汇报了工作,让他知道工作进展情况。 好,让我们复习一下 Anna 用到的一些语言和表达 。

  It's good news – I've closed the deal and the contract is signed.

  We need to proceed with the order as quickly as possible.

  I'm committed to getting the order delivered on time… but I will need some help.

  Narrator: 繁忙紧张的一天终于结束了,Anna 该准备睡觉了。

  Tom: (Finishing his drink) Right, well, it's time for bed. We've got an early start tomorrow.

  Anna: So, where are we staying?

  Tom: A lovely little boutique hotel, just round the corner. I've booked a room with a view.

  Anna: A room? One room?!

  Tom: Err, yeah. That's all they had, actually… honest!

  Narrator: Hmm. 这很有意思。希望他俩公事公办,保持同事关系哟!我们下期节目再见。

  Listening Challenge 听力挑战

  What does Anna want to drink at the bar? Anna 想在酒吧里喝些什么?

  Answer: an orange juice. 答案一杯橙汁。


  What does Anna want to drink at the bar? Anna 想在酒吧里喝些什么?


  Anna 想在飞机上要靠窗的座位还是靠到的座位?


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本文关键字: 日常职场英语



