
2012-03-14 00:00:00来源:考试大
  Once you have your vision and set your agenda, then I believe leadership requires diligence. I recall that Bill Clinton once said something along the lines that ‘every day is an election day’ or governance is ‘a permanent campaign’. That is, every day you need to work hard to deliver on your promises and vision, as well as deal with the myriad and varied issues that clamour for time and attention. Unless you are diligent, you can’t deliver — because the devil is in the detail.
  Now, leaders can’t keep an eye on every little detail of every policy of every issue — there’s just not enough hours in the day to do that. But what leaders can do is set the example for others to follow. Entrust your team to remain diligent in developing and implementing policy. Yet for major issues, or in times of emergency, you need to be there yourself attending to the details of the mission.
  Sensitivity to the changing world and sensitivity to the changing needs and priorities of the community is another aspect of leadership. Some might call it a radar system or even an early warning system. This is particularly important — and challenging — nowadays with such a multitude of avenues for people to express their views and opinions. I just mentioned the need for diligence in pushing forward your policy agenda. You also need to be diligent in listening to people’s views. It’s not easy or pleasant to change your plans or approach because, of course, you already believe it has been well thought through! But in my experience, no plan is perfect and often you can improve it by taking on board some new ideas or perspectives; or by acknowledging that community priorities have changed or moved on.
  Another lesson I have learnt about leadership is that you can’t do it alone. You need a good team of people to work with you. No leader can survive without a good team. In my current role, I have a dedicated group of Principal Officials supported by a political cadre as my immediate team. And of course we have the support and input of one of the finest civil services in the world, which works hand-in-hand with the political team to undertake policy and administrative planning, and to see through the implementation of our policies and decisions. All along the chain of command there are teams of people attending to the details of the daily business of government. And every team, in every division, of every department is important for the smooth and efficient running of Hong Kong.
  As a leader of Hong Kong, you really have to be a team player. You set the strategic direction and make it known to your team. After that you need to spend time with your team, to share your views with team members, to make sure they understand what you want them to do, and to give ample room for them to contribute their best. While it is important to monitor the progress of that work, it is equally important to empower your team to just get on with the job at hand — to trust them to deliver and to have faith in their ability. Leadership also means about standing by your team if something doesn’t go quite according to plan; and working with them to rectify any problems or to get a project back on track.
  Communication is of course a vital aspect of leadership. We have to tell the community what we want to achieve. We have to explain our policies and decisions. We have to answer questions and address criticisms. We have to listen to what people have to say. We have to engage in a dialogue with civil society. Hong Kong is fortunate to have such a free and robust media that keeps the government on its toes. There can never be any doubt in Hong Kong that we do not know what the public thinks about any particular issue. Technological advances have made communication with the public both easier and more challenging in recent years — not just here in Hong Kong but for governments around the world. We are trying hard to meet the public’s expectations in this regard with greater use of social media platforms.
  If you talk about YouTube or Facebook or Twitter, then naturally you think about the younger generations — the post-70s, or the post-80s, or the post 90s as we like to call them. This leads me to another important lesson about leadership and that is the need to nurture talent and to provide opportunities for our younger people to contribute their talents, and to develop their own leadership style and skills.
  It has often been said that the youth of today are the leaders of tomorrow — and that is so true. New ideas, new approaches to problems, new ways of communicating — all of these can be harnessed by a leader who brings on board young talent to the team. In Hong Kong, we are still in the relatively early stages of developing party politics — but we can see that more and more young people are becoming interested in politics and the issues which will shape the future of our city. I think that is a very positive development which augers well for the future of public administration in our city.
  Finally, perhaps most relevant for me at this point in time, is the understanding that change is inevitable and that all things must come to an end. Perhaps the word I am looking for is wisdom. History is littered with great leaders who stayed on too long — from heads of state right down to the chairman of a local social club. My time is very limited. I have made good progress in delivering the pledges I made at the beginning of my current term in 2007 — pledges set according to my vision for Hong Kong. Yet we can still feel the momentum for change building up in the community. I have no intention of winding down before my term expires on June 30 next year — indeed that would go against all of what I have just said about leadership. But the last year of any political leader’s term does throw up particular challenges as far as leadership is concerned. The most obvious, of course, is relevance. People will say: “ Donald will be gone next year so we need to start thinking about what we want the next CE to do.” There’s nothing we can do to stop those types of discussions taking place — and I would not want to.
  All I would say is that it is a tremendous honour and privilege to be the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and I pledge to continue serving the people of Hong Kong with the integrity, vision, diligence and sensitivity I have just spoken about. My team and I are now working on our last Policy Address in October, and we will not shy away from the important issues that are of concern to the community — housing, bridging the wealth gap and elderly services. We will be starting our consultation exercise soon and I urge you all to provide your input. And of course, I am sure that the Bauhinia Foundation will have a submission or two to make as well.
  Thank you very much.

本文关键字: 领袖论坛
