
2012-03-19 00:00:00来源:FT中文网
Hong Kong’s main exchange plans to capitalise on what it believes will be demand for commodity risk management coming from China with the launch of metals, agriculture and other commodity derivatives denominated in the renminbi.     
香港主要的交易所——香港交易及结算所有限公司(Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing,简称港交所)计划推出人民币计价的金属、农产品及其他大宗商品衍生产品,以利用中国内地对大宗商品风险管理的需求。
China’s influence in commodity markets is growing as the country needs access to financial and commodity derivatives markets to help companies and traders hedge price swings as Chinese demand for underlying commodities continues.     
The move by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (HKEx) comes as there is intense interest beyond Asia in the exchange’s plans to expand beyond its core business of initial public offerings, equities and expansion into renminbi-related services.     
HKEx is the world’s largest exchange as measured by market capitalisation. It has been tipped as a possible bidder for the London Metal Exchange, the world’s largest venue for trading in aluminium, copper and other metals.     
The bourse revealed in February that it planned to break into commodities after years of focusing on equities and financial futures trading. But it did not give details.     
However, Charles Li, HKEx chief executive, said the exchange was likely to focus on commodity products that could be used by domestic Chinese traders and companies that wanted to hedge risk in renminbi.     
不过,港交所行政总裁李小加(Charles Li)表示,港交所可能针对希望对冲人民币风险的内地贸易商和企业,推出大宗商品衍生产品。
“We will be looking for bespoke models where we can fill unique [gaps] in the market with unique products. We are not trying to compete with any one exchange in existing [product] liquidity,” Mr Li said at a Futures Industry Association conference in Florida.     
李小加出席美国期货业协会(Futures Industry Association)在佛罗里达举行的会议时表示:“我们希望推出定制模式,以独一无二的产品填补独特的市场空白。我们不打算和任何一家交易所就现有(产品)流动性展开竞争。”
Products could include metals, agricultural commodities and “soft” commodities – a category that includes coffee, cocoa and sugar. “Most people are not in that [renminbi-denominated] territory yet,” Mr Li said.     
The only existing Hong Kong-based bourse to offer commodity derivatives is the Hong Kong Mercantile Exchange (HKMEx), a new venture which last year made its debut with gold and silver futures contracts.     
Backed by Chinese state companies and Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska, HKMEx this week said it would launch a renminbi-denominated gold futures contract along with other precious metals.     
在中国国有企业和俄罗斯亿万富翁奥列格 德里帕斯卡(Oleg Deripaska)的支持下,香港商交所本周表示将推出以人民币计价的黄金等贵金属期货合约。
Also in the pipeline are renminbi contracts in copper and other base metals, and “other futures contracts in energy, agriculture, and commodity indices”, it said.     
Mr Li said his exchange could team up with other exchanges or businesses in its commodities venture.     
“We’re looking at being able to do it in a joint venture format or partnership,” he said.     
He declined to comment on whether HKEx was bidding for the LME. However, Mr Li did have a meeting with Martin Abbott, LME chief executive, at the conference.     
李小加拒绝置评港交所是否正在竞购LME的问题。不过,他在会议期间确实和LME首席执行官马丁 阿博特(Martin Abbott)进行了会谈。

本文关键字: 港交所
