
2012-08-02 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  China and South Korea have criticised Japan over its claims to contested islands, amid rising tensions between the Asian powers over maritime territorial disputes.
  "The Japanese authorities have recently made a series of irresponsible remarks regarding the Diaoyu islands," Senior Colonel Geng Yansheng, a Chinese defence ministry spokesman said on Tuesday. "Safeguarding the nation"s sovereignty and maritime interests is the joint responsibility of all state organs including the military. We will work closely with the other organs and conscientiously fulfil our duty."
  Regional tensions have been rising during the past couple of years over disputed waters in the South China Sea and East China Sea. Beijing and Tokyo have clashed repeatedly in recent months over the Senkaku islands – which China calls the Diaoyu – in the East China Sea which Japan has administered since 1895.
  过去两年来,围绕南中国海和东海有争议水域的地区紧张不断升级。在日本从1895年起管辖的东海尖阁诸岛(Senkaku islands)——中国称为"钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿"——问题上,中日两国在近几个月里多次发生争执。
  Yoshihiko Noda, Japan's prime minister, recently suggested that Japan could send its navy to protect the islands if the Japanese coast guard was unable to do so.
  日本首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)最近暗示,日本可能出动海上自卫队保卫尖阁诸岛——如果海上保安厅力量不够的话。
  The dispute escalated this year after Tokyo governor Shintaro Ishihara started a campaign to buy them from their private owner. The central government has been forced by Mr Ishihara's bid to try to buy the uninhabited islands itself, fuelling passionate protests in both China and Taiwan, which also claims them.
  这起纠纷在今年升级,至少在一定程度上是因为东京都知事石原慎太郎(Shintaro Ishihara)发起行动,要从私人所有者手中买下这些岛屿。石原此举迫使日本中央政府试图出面买下这些无人居住的海岛,进而在中国和同样宣称对这些岛屿拥有主权的台湾引发群情激愤的抗议。
  South Korea on Tuesday also condemned Japan's decision to reassert its claim to the disputed Dokdo islands – called Takeshima by the Japanese – which it said were "clearly an indigenous territory of the [Republic of Korea] in terms of history, geography and international law".
  韩国周二谴责日本决定再次宣称对独岛(Dokdo islands)——日本称为竹岛(Takeshima)——拥有主权。韩国称,该岛"无论是就历史、地理还是就国际法而言,显然是(大韩民国的)固有领土"。
  The two tiny islands, which are inhabited only by a handful of Korean police officers and an occasional fisherman, are a longstanding source of tension between the two countries. Korean nationalists view the Japanese claim to the islands as a legacy of the imperial expansion that led to its 35-year occupation of Korea. South Korea said it would not "tolerate any unjust claim of Japan" to the islands, and urged Tokyo to take "immediate corrective measures".

本文关键字: 钓鱼岛问题



