
2012-08-31 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Macau casino executive Louis Ng is getting a crash course in international relations as he tries to calm the French storm that followed news he had purchased a vineyard in the hallowed wine region of Burgundy.
  澳门博彩业经理人吴志诚(Louis Ng)正在上一堂国际关系速成课。他在葡萄酒圣地勃艮第收购一个葡萄园的消息在法国引发了一场风暴,目前他正在努力平息。
  Called "le chinois' [the Chinese] by the local French media, the 60-year-old Mr. Ng is among the most powerful casino executives in the Chinese gambling enclave of Macau. He is the chief operating officer at SJM Holdings Ltd., 0880.HK +0.13%the holding company founded by Hong Kong tycoon Stanley Ho that controls several of Macau's casinos and hotels.
   现年60岁、被法国当地媒体称为“le chinois”(那位中国人)的吴志诚是澳门这块中国赌博飞地最有影响的赌场经理人之一。他是澳门博彩控股有限公司(SJM Holdings Ltd.)的营运总裁。这家公司由香港富豪何鸿(Stanley Ho)创办,在澳门拥有多家赌场和酒店。
  When Mr. Ng was revealed last week as the buyer of Chateau de Gevrey-Chambertin-a 5.7-acre estate with a large run-down chateau that he picked up in May for 8 million ($10 million)-it set off a wave of criticism from local winemakers and politicians. They accused him of potentially destroying France's heritage and uprooting an age-old system of carefully priced land transactions. Burgundy is known for small vineyards that rarely change hands.
  吴志诚上周被曝在5月份以800万欧元(1,000万美元)的价格买下吉夫瑞 香白丹庄园(Chateau de Gevrey-Chambertin),结果受到法国酒商和政治家的猛烈批评。他们声称吴志诚有可能破坏法国的遗产,并颠覆当地土地交易谨慎定价的古老制度。勃艮第以很少易手的小葡萄园而闻名。吉夫瑞 香白丹庄园面积5.7英亩(2.3万平方米),有一个巨大的破败酒庄。
  Mr. Ng is the second person from Greater China to buy in Burgundy. Earlier this year, a young businessman named Shi Yi teamed up with a local winemaker to buy two hectares in Vosne-Romané, a town that is less than six miles away from Mr. Ng's property.
  The typically media-shy Mr. Ng, who lives in Macau and Hong Kong but also has Portuguese citizenship, responded to the criticism with a written statement. In it he explained his plans, saying that he hired local winemaker Eric Rousseau to manage the estate's production and French architect Christian Laporte, who specializes in historical renovations, to oversee the chateau's restoration.
  吴志诚生活在澳门和香港,但也有葡萄牙国籍。通常不愿见媒体的吴志诚发表了一份书面声明来回应批评。在这份声明中,他解释了自己的打算,表示已经聘请当地酒商埃里克 鲁索(Eric Rousseau)来打理庄园的生产,并聘请擅长古迹翻新的法国建筑师克里斯蒂安 拉波特(Christian Laporte)负责酒庄的修复。
  'It is our goal to bring this enchanted property to its full former glory,' he said in the statement. 'In time, I hope my new Burgundy neighbors will also come to appreciate my sincere passion for great wine.' The wine produced in the Gevrey-Chambertin region is well known among collectors, though this particular vineyard's wine doesn't earn the French system's highest classification.
  吴志诚在这份声明里说,全面恢复这块神秘产业的昔日荣耀是我们的目标;我希望一段时间过后,我在勃艮第的新邻居们也将意识到我酿造美酒的真诚热情。吉夫瑞 香白丹地区生产的葡萄酒在藏家圈子中享有很高的知名度,不过具体到吴志诚收购的这个葡萄园,其所产葡萄酒并没有获得法国体系里的最高等级。
  China's interest in wine has soared in recent years and investors from the mainland already have snapped up several French vineyards-but those purchases have been in the country's largest wine-producing region, Bordeaux. Burgundy is smaller in area and operates on a smaller scale, with farmers tending plots whose size in hectares measures in the single digits, and typically passing them down from one generation to the next. Recently, interest in Burgundy among Chinese wine collectors has risen as prices for Bordeaux wines have fallen.
  Jean-Michel Guillon, a winemaker who led a group that tried to buy Chateau de Gevrey-Chambertin for 5 million, is staunchly opposed to the deal, and has called on government to intervene.
  酒商让-米歇尔 吉永(Jean-Michel Guillon)曾率领一个团体,希望以500万欧元的价格买下吉夫瑞 香白丹庄园。他坚决反对吴志诚的收购,并曾要求政府出面干预。
  Mr. Guillon fears that an influx of foreign capital will cause a rapid rise in vineyard prices, which would increase the transfer tax and so make it harder for owners like him to pass on the property to their children. The tax is based on the average price in the current year for a hectare of vines. 'We need to protect this, to keep our heritage and our way of life,' he said.

本文关键字: 吴志诚



