
2012-08-31 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Japan and North Korea kicked off their first direct talks in four years, in a move analysts see as reflecting Pyongyang"s desire to stabilize its new regime through diplomacy and economic reform.
  The two countries have never had formal diplomatic ties, and relations have been severely strained over the years by North Korea's abductions of Japanese citizens in the 1970s and 1980s, as well as the North's firing of ballistic missiles over Japan and its nuclear program.
  While the primary topic of Wednesday's meeting in Beijing will be repatriating the remains of Japanese who died in Korea at the end of World War II, the focus will be on whether the two nations can make progress on the abduction issue.
  The meeting is also the first between the two nations since North Korean leader Kim Jong Eun took power after his father Kim Jong Il died in December, and will be closely watched for clues as to the new leader's foreign policy.
  这次会谈也是朝鲜领导人金正恩(Kim Jong Eun)去年12月在其父金正日(Kim Jong Il)去世后执掌政权以来两国的首次会谈,外界将密切关注会谈中展示出的有助于了解这位新领导人外交政策的线索。
  'I'm under the impression North Korea may be willing to respond, in some form, to the abductions issue as part of the humanitarian issues to be discussed,' said Masao Okonogi, an expert on Korean affairs and professor emeritus in law at Keio University in Tokyo.
  东京庆应义塾大学(Keio University)法学荣誉教授、朝鲜问题专家Masao Okonogi说,我认为朝鲜可能愿意以某种形式对绑架问题做出回应,绑架问题是双方将要讨论的人道主义问题的一部分。
  Prof. Okonogi said resolving the abduction issue is crucial to Pyongyang's goal of normalizing diplomatic relations with Japan and seeking Tokyo's economic assistance. North Korea suffers from frequent food shortages, and poor infrastructure leaves it prone to natural disasters including floods.
  Masao Okonogi说,绑架问题的解决对于朝鲜政府实现朝日两国邦交关系正常化以及获得日本经济援助的目标至关重要。朝鲜经常面临粮食短缺,薄弱的基础设施让朝鲜非常容易受到包括洪水在内的自然灾害的影响。
  Pyongyang admitted in 2002 to abducting Japanese in the past for use in training spies. It then allowed five of them and their family members to return to Japan, while claiming the remaining eight had died. The North considers the issue closed, but many Japanese believe some of those kidnapped are still alive, and Tokyo has demanded a thorough investigation.
  Talks between the Asian neighbors, last held in August 2008, have often broken down over the abduction issue, but this time, the North may be willing to engage in further discussions, said Izumi Hajime, professor of international relations at Shizuoka University.
  这两个亚洲邻国的上一次对话是在2008年8月。日本静冈县立大学(University of Shizuoka)国际关系学教授伊豆见元(Izumi Hajime)说,朝日两国会谈经常因为绑架问题而破裂,但这次,朝鲜可能愿意与日本进行进一步的讨论。
  'There's a possibility that at some point, they may be envisioning an ambassador-level meeting,' he said, referring to reports that North Korea requested Wednesday's meeting be held among section chiefs and not higher-ranking officials, as Tokyo initially requested.
  The meeting also comes as Japan is ensnared in a bitter territorial dispute with South Korea over claims to a set of disputed islands controlled by Seoul. After South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's visit earlier this month to the islands - known as Liancourt Rocks in countries not party to the dispute but called Dokdo by Korea and Takeshima by Japan - the Japanese parliament passed a resolution denouncing his visit and Japanes Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda criticized Seoul for 'illegally' occupying the islands.
  这次会谈举行之际,日本正陷入因一组由韩国控制的岛屿的归属问题引发的日韩激烈领土争端。在韩国总统李明博(Lee Myung-bak)本月早些时候登上这些岛屿之后,日本国会通过了一项谴责李明博登岛行为的决议,日本首相野田佳彦(Yoshihiko Noda)指责韩国“非法占据”这些岛屿。日韩争议岛屿在韩国被称作独岛(Dokdo),在日本被称作竹岛(Takeshima),在其他国家被称作利扬库尔岩(Liancourt Rocks)。
  As Japan and South Korea squabble over the issue, Pyongyang may see a good chance to play its neighbors off against each other, said Keio University's Prof. Okonogi.
  Masao Okonogi说,在日本和韩国就领土问题争执不休之际,朝鲜政府可能看到了一个坐收渔利的好机会。
  'With Japan's ties with South Korea strained, the North may think this is a good chance to get closer to Tokyo,' he said.

本文关键字: 会谈



