
2012-11-16 00:00:00来源:大耳朵英语

  Israel pounded the Gaza Strip with artillery shells and about 20 airstrikes on Wednesday, killing Hamas's top military commander and at least seven other people in the most violent assault on the coastal territory in four years.


  The Israeli strikes came in retaliation to a wave of missile attacks on Israeli territory in recent days from the Gaza Strip. Palestinian militants responded Wednesday by firing dozens of rockets at nearby Israeli communities. Hamas leaders called the attack an act of war and Hamas's armed wing warned on its website that Israel had 'opened the gates of hell,' raising fears that the fighting could escalate into full-blown war.


  The Gaza assault thrusts the Israeli-Palestinian conflict back into the region's spotlight for the first time since Arab Spring uprisings swept the region nearly two years ago. Since the last Israeli-Hamas war ended in 2009, several of the Middle East's core relationships have fundamentally changed. An Islamist government has come to power in Egypt, on Israel's southern border. To the east, Syria is embroiled in war.


  The resurgent violence in Israel stands as an early test of how those historic changes will impact and reshape a conflict that has in many ways defined the region's politics for much of the past century. Among the lingering questions are whether democratically elected Islamic-leaning governments will chart a different course than their predecessors in dealing with the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Another is how Hamas's break with Syria's regime, long its chief regional patron, will impact its policies.


  Egypt's Islamist-led government, which controls Gaza's southern border and has close ties to Hamas, angrily denounced the Israeli offensive and recalled its ambassador for the first time since 2000. The Muslim Brotherhood called on Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi to 'review'' Egypt's peace treaty with Israel, a cornerstone of regional stability.

  由伊斯兰主义者领导的埃及政府强烈指责以色列的进攻行动,并自2000年以来首次召回大使。穆斯林兄弟会(Muslim Brotherhood)呼吁埃及总统穆尔西(Mohammed Morsi)重新评估埃及与以色列签订的和平条约。这一和平条约是地区稳定的基石。埃及政府控制着加沙地带南部边境,与哈马斯关系密切。

  The United Nations Security Council called an emergency meeting on the attacks late Wednesday. The Arab League plans to hold an emergency session on Saturday, it said.

  联合国安理会周三晚间就攻击行动召开紧急会议。阿拉伯国家联盟(Arab League)说,该组织计划周六召开紧急会议。

  Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the Israeli offensive would continue and could yet expand if Palestinian militants keep firing rockets at Israel. 'If necessary, the military is prepared to widen the operation,' he said in a televised address. 'We won't accept a situation in which Israeli civilians are threatened by the terror of rocket fire.'

  以色列总理内塔尼亚胡(Benjamin Netanyahu)说,如果巴勒斯坦武装人员继续向以色列发射火箭,以色列的进攻将继续并可能扩大。他在电视讲话中说,若有必要,军方准备扩大行动规模;我们不会接受以色列平民受到火箭的恐怖威胁这样一种状态。

  As the top commander of Hamas's armed wing, Mr. Jabari was arguably Gaza's most powerful man and long one of Israel's most hated foes. Israel accuses him of ordering dozens of terrorist attacks and overseeing the kidnapping and five-year captivity of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. He is the highest-ranking Hamas officials assassinated by Israel since the 2004 assassination of Hamas leader Abdel Aziz Rantisi.

  作为哈马斯武装组织的最高领导人,贾巴里(Ahmed Jabari)可能是加沙地带最有影响的人物,他一直以来都是以色列最为痛恨的敌人之一。以色列指责他下令发动了数十起恐怖袭击,策划绑架了以色列军人沙利特(Gilad Shalit)并将其关押了五年。他是2004年哈马斯领导人兰提斯(Abdel Aziz Rantisi)被暗杀以来遭以色列杀害的职位最高的哈马斯官员。

本文关键字: 以色列



