
2012-11-27 00:00:00来源:新东方网

  George Osborne brushed convention aside yesterday byinstalling a foreigner, Mark Carney, governor of the Bank ofCanada, to run the Bank of England with a mission to shake upBritain’s central bank as it assumes sweeping new powers.

  昨日,英国财政大臣乔治 奥斯本(George Osborne)打破常规,任命一位外国公民、加拿大央行(Bank of Canada)行长马克 卡尼(Mark Carney)担任英国央行(BoE)下任行长。在英国央行获得全新权力的同时,卡尼也将对该行展开一次重大改革。

  The City hailed the appointment as a breath of fresh air and an invigorating sign of thegovernment’s desire to show that the UK was “open for business” from abroad.

  伦敦金融城(the City)对该项任命表示热烈欢迎,称其为一阵清风和一种令人鼓舞的迹象,表明英国政府希望对外发出这样的信息——英国“对外来事物持开放态度”。

  The chancellor’s surprise coup came after months of courting Mr Carney in a bid to attract anoutsider to overhaul the BoE. Mr Carney will succeed Sir Mervyn King when his term ends in July, becoming the first foreigner to head Britain’s central bank in its 318-year history.

  在做出这一意外举动之前,奥斯本已花了数月时间劝说卡尼接受任职邀请,以便由一位外来者来彻底改革英国央行。明年7月默文 金爵士(Sir Mervyn King)结束任期之时,卡尼将接替他的职位,成为英国央行318年历史上第一位外籍行长。

  The chancellor’s nine month efforts to attract Mr Carney puts the new governor in a uniquelypowerful position. He has negotiated a much higher basic salary than Sir Mervyn whose pay of £305,000 a year will rise to £480,000. Mr Carney has already stipulated he would serve for fiveyears only, rather than the non-renewable eight-year term outlined in the -legislation.

  奥斯本长达9个月向卡尼示好的努力,让这位英国央行新任行长处于独特的强势地位。他商定了远比默文 金爵士更高的基本工资,年薪将由30.5万英镑提高到48万英镑。卡尼已讲明只任职5年,而不是法律规定的8年不续任任期。

  Mr Osborne went to great lengths to attract the 47-year-old Canadian, who also heads theFinancial Stability Board, the global body that sets international banking regulations. Aides said hehad been impressed by the former Goldman Sachs banker’s management style, private sectorexperience, central banking record and international regulatory knowledge.

  奥斯本竭尽全力吸引这位47岁的加拿大人。卡尼还担任国际银行业监管规则制定机构——金融稳定委员会 (Financial Stability Board)的主席。奥斯本的助手们表示,这位前高盛(Goldman Sachs)银行家的管理风格、私营部门经验、央行管理记录以及国际监管知识令奥斯本印象深刻。

  Unveiling the appointment to the House of Commons, Mr Osborne said Mr Carney was the “outstanding candidate to be governor of the Bank of England and help steer Britain throughthese difficult economic times. He is quite simply the best, most experienced and most qualifiedperson in the world to do the job”.


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