
2013-03-15 00:00:00来源:金融时报

  Chinese Internet entrepreneur Gary Wang is gearing up to start an animated-film studio to make movies for Chinese audiences. In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the 39-year-old Mr. Wang, who founded online video site Tudou.com in 2005, talked about his experience at Tudou and its merger last year with rival video site Youku. The following is an edited version of the interview.


  Q: How did you create Tudou?


  Mr. Wang: Photo-sharing site Flickr was the main inspiration for Tudou. I used my own savings from my previous jobs to pay for Tudou’s launch, but I also talked to some venture capitalists. They told me, “It’s very hard to visualize what you are describing, so why don’t you create a rudimentary website so we can get a feel.” YouTube didn’t exist yet, so it was hard for people to understand the concept. I was a computer engineer but needed more developers to work with me, so I found some guys who were willing to work for $100 a month. I rented a two-bedroom apartment so they could all live and work there.


  Q: When Tudou was struggling financially, how did you manage to gain support from investors?


  Mr. Wang: It’s important to explain what the situation really is. We didn’t tell them that everything was nice. We showed the true picture to every single one of our investors, and they believed in us. Of course when you are trying to sell something you always try to present one side of the story and talk about how great it is. But when it comes to asking for real commitment, at the moment of truth when they are going to sign a piece of paper and put some real money into the business, you’ve got to tell them what the real situation is.


  Q: What were some of the most memorable moments at Tudou?


  Mr. Wang: When we were just ready to complete the last round of filing for our IPO (Tudou’s stock listed on Nasdaq in August 2011), the U.S. stock market tanked and some bankers got cold feet. The market was so volatile after S&P downgraded U.S. debt earlier that month. I was in a tiny phone booth at the filing office, having a conference call at 4 a.m. with a lot of people. Some of them said we should postpone the IPO till later that year to wait for the market to recover, but I said this was the moment and it had to be done. Investors supported the decision. It was a crazy week but we still managed to go through it.


  Q: How did you decide on the merger with Youku?


  Mr. Wang: For Tudou, IPO was purely for fundraising. We spent the money to acquire more content and bandwidth. That was a necessary move for Tudou to stay competitive so it could have more options for strategic realignment, including the possibility of a merger. Around January 2012, I started talking with not only Youku but also with (Chinese Web search company) Baidu and (online gaming and communication service company) Tencent. We discussed various scenarios for realignment of our online video businesses. But eventually (Youku CEO) Victor Koo and I agreed that the Youku-Tudou merger was by far the best option because it would reduce the cost and create a dominant player. Overall, I think the merger was a success and Victor has done a tremendous job in making sure that the transition is smooth.


  Q: Was the merger a tough decision for you personally?


  Mr. Wang: Emotionally it felt like a tremendous loss to let go something that I had created. But at the same time it was liberating. For seven years, all my waking moments were about Tudou. All the decisions I made were driven by Tudou’s needs. The best interest for Tudou dominated whatever the interest for me as a person, even though I didn’t see it as a sacrifice.


  At Tudou there were a lot of people who joined the company because of me, and I explained to the team why the merger was the right thing to do for the company and why it was the best thing for the industry. That was probably the hardest part.


  Q: Tudou never became profitable and some people saw the business as a failure.


  Mr. Wang: Naturally some people see it that way. People can view it in whatever way. I, for one, agree that we had higher hopes for Tudou. When I started Tudou, the original goal was to create a platform for original user-generated content, a stage where creative types can show their work. When the site launched, some people did upload original videos, but it was mostly flooded with copyrighted content. Dealing with copyright issues, we had to spend a lot of cash to acquire licensed content, and that forced us to do a lot of additional fundraising. A lot of interesting things came out of Tudou. But I’m not sure how much of the content was truly original and groundbreaking.



本文关键字: 土豆网创始人王微



