
2013-03-28 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  If Mark Zuckerberg, Eric Schmidt, Barry Diller and Jeff Bezos all got together for a closed-door meeting at Amazon’s headquarters in Seattle, people in the U.S. would take notice.

  如果Facebook创始人扎克伯克(Mark Zuckerberg)、谷歌CEO施密特(Eric Schmidt)、互联网巨头迪勒(Barry Diller)和亚马逊创始人贝佐斯(Jeff Bezos)齐聚一堂,在西雅图的亚马逊总部开闭门会议,美国人一定会加以关注。

  So it’s no surprise that when the leaders of some of China’s biggest tech and media companies ─ including Baidu Tencent Holdings, Youku -Tudou, TCl and Dalian Wanda Group ─ gathered on Friday for a closed-door meeting with the leader of Alibaba Group at the company’s Hangzhou headquarters, speculation spread across the Chinese Internet.

  因此,上周五中国几家最大的科技和媒体公司的领袖与阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group)掌门在杭州阿里巴巴总部召开闭门会议时,中国互联网上出现了各种猜测也就不足为奇了。这些公司包括百度(Baidu)、腾讯(Tencent Holdings)、优酷土豆(Youku-Tudou)、TCI和大连万达集团(Dalian Wanda Group)。

  The buzz began when one brave soul, claiming to be an employee at Alibaba, posted photos on Sina Corp. SINA +1.89%’s popular microblog Weibo of the executives and the room where they would meet.

  这场喧闹始于一位自称阿里巴巴员工的勇敢者在新浪(Sina Corp.)微博上发布上述公司领袖的照片,以及他们开会的房间。

  A person at the offices confirmed with China Real Time that a number of executives arrived at the office on Friday afternoon, including Baidu Chief Executive Robin Li and Tencent Chief Executive Pony Ma.

  一名办公室人员向“中国实时报”记者证实,上周五下午有多位高管抵达办公室,其中包括百度CEO李彦宏(Robin Li)和腾讯CEO马化腾(Pony Ma)。

  Alibaba spokesman John Spelich said the company does not comment on internal meeting schedules.

  阿里巴巴发言人斯比利奇(John Spelich)说,公司对内部会议安排不予置评。

  As in the U.S., it’s unclear just how common meetings like this are, but China’s tech executives do see each other publicly at conferences and there are a number of clubs and government meetings that bring executives together.


  Last year, in a bid to add more Internet industry leaders to China’s annual national legislature, the government assembled a group of key Internet executives in a series of meetings to trade ideas about industry regulation and make recommendations about who among them should go to the congress, which wrapped up in Beijing last week.


  An interview last year with Alibaba Chief Executive Jack Ma took place in a Park Hyatt Hotel conference room reserved for the China Entrepreneur Club, a nonprofit organization of China’s 50 most influential business leaders. Other members include Wang Shi, chairman of China Vanke Co., a major property developer, and Li Shufu, chairman of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co., which owns Volvo.

  去年,在中国企业家俱乐部于柏悦酒店(Park Hyatt Hotel)预定的会议室内,阿里巴巴CEO马云曾接受采访。这个俱乐部是中国50位最有影响力的商界领袖组成的非营利组织。俱乐部的其他成员包括大型地产开发商万科(China Vanke Co.)的董事长王石,还有浙江吉利控股集团(Zhejiang Geely Holding Group Co.)的董事长李书福。吉利拥有沃尔沃(Volvo)。

  Nonetheless a big meeting between Chinese Internet leaders causes an even bigger stir than might a meeting of other business leaders, mostly because as with Facebook FB -0.04% and Google GOOG -0.12%, the products these businesses have created are used so constantly by the general populace.


  Though it’s unlikely much will get out about just what the leaders talked about, the prevailing opinion in Chinese media for now is that the meeting is nothing unusual. A number of outlets wrote that the meeting was a get-together of the “Huaxia Alumni Society,” a group of major business leaders who studied at either the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business or the Chinese Europe International Business School. According to media reports, the meetings rotate between the offices of each of the members, and this time it was Mr. Ma’s.

  虽然这些人商谈的内容不太可能会传出来,但中国媒体目前普遍认为,这次会议没什么特别的。几家媒体说,会议是“华夏同学会”组织的聚会,这个同学会的成员是曾在长江商学院(Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business)或中欧国际工商学院(Chinese Europe International Business School)学习的重要商界领袖。据媒体报道,聚会在同学会成员的办公地点轮流举行,这一次是由马云做东。

  Given that it’s a Friday night, perhaps more interesting than what was said at the meeting will be what spot they hit up afterwards. One thing is for sure, if the public is around, photos of where they go next will emerge.



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