
2013-05-13 00:00:00来源:可可英语


  Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Wednesday appeared to try to ease tension with neighboring countries by repeating Japan's admission of and apology for the suffering it caused its former colonial subjects.

  日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)周三重申,日本承认该国殖民时期给当地人民带来痛苦并为此道歉。此举似乎是在努力缓解日本与邻国的紧张关系。

  Abe's remarks came amid growing concern in China and South Korea over what could be considered historical revisionism among Japan's top officials.


  'We have caused tremendous damage and suffering to the people of many countries, particularly to other Asian nations,' Mr. Abe said in a parliamentary budget committee session. 'We share the same recognition as previous cabinets,' Mr. Abe added.


  The premier's remarks were a line-by-line restatement of a landmark 1995 apology issued by then-Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama, marking the 50th anniversary of the end of World War II. Mr. Abe last read off the Murayama statement in a February committee meeting in the Diet, in response to opposition lawmakers questioning whether he intends to reassess the government's apology for its wartime aggression.

  1995年即二战结束50周年时,时任日本首相村山富市(Tomiichi Murayama)发表了具有里程碑意义的致歉讲话。安倍晋三周三其实是逐字逐句地重复了村山富市当年的讲话。他上一次读村山富市讲话是在今年2月日本国会某委员会会议上,当时是为了回应反对派议员的质疑。那些议员想知道他是否打算重新评估日本政府对侵略战争的道歉。

  Mr. Abe's fresh acknowledgment of Japan's actions comes after weeks of escalating diplomatic tension with neighbors. Anger in South Korea and China was fueled by visits to a controversial war shrine by cabinet members in April and then by comment Mr. Abe made on Japan's wartime role.


  Three top ministers, including vice prime minister Taro Aso, visited the Yasukuni shrine last month, where convicted war criminals, along with over 2 million of Japan's war dead are enshrined.

  包括副首相麻生太郎(Taro Aso)在内的三位日本高官上月参拜了靖国神社(Yasukuni shrine),那里供奉着日本战犯以及该国逾200万的阵亡将士。

  Mr. Abe added fuel to the fire by questioning in parliament on April 23 the definition of the word 'invasion,' saying: 'Things that happened between nations will look different depending on which side you view them from.' Likely in response, South Korea's foreign minister canceled a planned trip to Tokyo.


  Japan's territorial dispute with China has also escalated on a broader front, with China recently sending its largest fleet of paramilitary patrol ships near to disputed islets that Japan controls.


  Mr. Abe's remarks on Wednesday came after the Japanese press reported that concerns over his interpretation of history were expressed in a meeting between U.S. President Barack Obama and his South Korean counterpart Park Geun-hye in Washington.

  安倍晋三周三发表这番讲话之前,日本媒体曾报道说,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)和韩国总统朴槿惠(Park Geun-hye)于华盛顿举行会谈时,双方谈到了安倍晋三对历史解释所引发的担忧。

  Japanese national broadcaster NHK, citing South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, who attended the summit, reported that Ms. Park told Mr. Obama that Japan needs to 'properly recognize history for the sake of peace in the Northeast Asian region.' The issue, however, remained unmentioned in the joint news conference held by the two leaders.

  日本广播公司(NHK)援引出席美韩总统会见的韩国外长尹炳世(Yun Byung-se)的话说,朴槿惠对奥巴马讲,为了东北亚地区的和平,日本应正确认识历史。不过,美韩总统召开联合新闻发布会时并没有提及这个问题。

  Meanwhile, Tom Schieffer, the former top U.S. envoy to Japan, expressed his country's concern over Mr. Abe's stance on the so-called 'comfort women' issue at a symposium last week, calling it a big loss to Japan's national interests in the U.S. and Asia. Mr. Abe in the past has questioned the largely accepted historical fact that the women, many from colonial Korea, were forced to serve as prostitutes by the Japanese military.

  美国驻日本前高级特使西弗(Tom Schieffer)上周在某论坛上表示,美国对安倍晋三就所谓“慰安妇”问题的立场感到担忧。他说,这是日本在美国和亚洲的国家利益的重大损失。安倍晋三以前一直质疑为大多数人所接受的史实,即那些妇女(其中很多来自当时处于日本殖民统治下的韩国)是被迫充当日本军妓的。

  Japan's top government spokesman Yoshihide Suga assured Japan's neighbors and allies by saying on Tuesday that the government has never considered reassessing its 1993 apology over the issue.

  日本政府首席发言人菅义伟(Yoshihide Suga)周二安慰邻邦和盟友说,该国政府从未考虑过重估对“慰安妇”问题的道歉。


本文关键字: 安倍晋三



